The Matrix Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews


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Definition of Fun

memento_mori - wrote on 07/12/2013

I remember the very first time I watched The Matrix. I was twelve. I was bored and it was mid-July at my grandmother's house with nothing to do. I drove into town and the minute I entered the shop, this DVD cover basically reached out to me. It had an aura. It was called The Matrix.
I took it home.
And I watched it.
Eight. Times. In. A. Row.

The Matrix is one of my all-time favorite movies because it does for me what other movies could not even come close to doing. It had perfectly-choreographed (and might I say badass) action, great direction and cinematography, a wonderful premise and fantastically original script; but all this didn't matter to me at the time as much, because because then it was just pure fun.
This is one of the most original movies ever made, not only because …

Movie God

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"The Matrix" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/27/2011

A computer hacker who is unsatisfied with his life is contacted by a mysterious stranger who reveals to him that the "real world" is in fact a computer generated simulation designed to subjugate the human race. The most striking aspect of The Matrix is obviously its visuals; highly influenced by the wire work of Asian cinema, the Wachowski brothers cranked it up another level by creatively using computer software to pretty much perfect the action sequence. The mix of fetish wear, brilliantly designed cyber punk technology and super cool actors (both Reeves and Fishburne were catapulted into mega-stardom by this film) makes for an audio visual cocktail that influenced virtually every film that followed. But for me it is the simple but brilliant concept that is the real strength of The …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The Matrix review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/22/2011

A hacker has been summoned to make something happen for the better. There are sentinels, computer programs, a sophisticated ship, traitors, martial arts and lots of weapons involved in this unique groundbreaking film. The plot is intriguing and inimitable at the same time. The fight scenes have been replicated by several films and shows. Its idea and concept could have birthed the film Inception. Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne) teaches Neo (Keanu Reeves) how to manipulate the program to his advantage. Trinity aids Neo in certain missions. One of the best lines from the film: Neo – “You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, …

Movie God

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Ground Breaking Special Effects

mdtinney - wrote on 07/22/2009

Okay, I'll admit it. When I first went to see this film at the cinema, I couldnt leave quick enough. Keanu Reeves is quite wooden and the character Neo is a cliched 'reluctant hero'. Agent Smith isnt exactly one of the most menacing villains ever created but his emotionless overtone is the saving grace of the character. Yet despite these fundamental flaws, Matrix has something about it that makes you just want to stop and stare and take it all in. What this thing is I cannot quite define. Perhaps its the sobering idea that reality is not always what it appears to be. Perhaps its the idea that given the choice, what would you, or I, or any of us do? Live on, blissfully unaware in a false reality, living a happy life of ignorance? Or choose to have your freedom, live in fear of your life …


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Hello, Mr. Anderson

Holas - wrote on 04/16/2009

i believe this movie changed the rules in graphicing for film. First of its kind. This is a movie for fans of Sci-fi, Action and Fishburne. I believe the part of Neo could have been played by just about an average actor since the help of computer graphics. I would really love to have seen Will Smith take on the role, but that would have been giving too many black actors a great movie to do. Going off the subject, the only movie with two black actors in it who achieved an Oscar was the Comedy 'Rat Race', i believe that should tell us something. Back to Matrix, it was a completely original idea that spawned into a trilogy. Some people compare it to a bliblical sense, i just don't see that. But if you watch the movie, sure enough, you'll get hooked. My hats off to Joe Pantoliano.

Rising Star

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Follow the white rabblit

Owtkast - wrote on 08/26/2008

The Matrix is compelling not only for its beautiful music (great oboe), colors, martial arts and believable special effects, but for its modern portrayal of Socrates’ questioning the socio-culturally accepted descriptions of reality. The Matrix begs you to question everything you think you know. It gives you a story that is thrilling and fun to watch, while providing you with questions to consider. Like Castenada’s Don Juan it asks you to “stop the world”, or wake up and question what you think reality is. I am not surprised to read that some reviewers feel that the movie is terrible and over acclaimed. Neo is a metaphor for Socrates; his pink pod is a metaphor for Socrates’ cave. Socrates was executed for teaching his philosophies. These ideas are unsettling, and it seems some …

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

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Enter the Matrix if your 1st choice isnt available

The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/02/2008

"Thomas Anderson" (Keanu Reeves) is a computer programmer who leaves a double life as a computer hacker known as "Neo". He has been getting messages asking him what "The Matrix" is. When at work the next day, he gets a mysterious phone call on his cell phone informing him that the police and plain clothes agents just coming out of the elevator are after him. The voice on the other end of the line tries, but fails to help him escape.

Shortly after, "Anderson" meets with a mysterious man who goes by the name "Morpheus" (Laurence Fishburn), who offers to show him what "The Matrix" is. During his explanation, he says that it is actually 200 years later than what "Anderson" believes it to be, and that intelligent machines have taken over Earth. He then explains that the machines are using …

Rising Star

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Just one time isn't enough

lmlewis517 - wrote on 06/22/2008

Most of us live our humdrum lives walking through nothing much more than the average, everyday campings of our neighbors, friends, and those that call themselves "smart". Mr. Anderson (Neo) is not much different. He finds himself scraping by life and doing whatever he could to make his life exciting. Sound familiar? Maybe that's just my life. Maybe it's all our lives. In either case, the Matrix outlines the tough every-man situation presented to Anderson and how he, like all of us, has some special meaning in his existence. Eventhough he's only one of a million, billion people, his purpose through life mirrors that of a deity's tale. Key scenes to watch: why's Neo so focused on the ship's plaque, how many shots does it take to eliminate the "agents", and what's going on between …

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