Quick Movie Reviews
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frenchfreyteetor - wrote on 05/29/2008
This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time and a one of the few movies that got four stars from me. Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale take competition to a whole new level. The movie had twists and turns till the end, the very end. During the movie my husband and I were talking about which character we felt more sorry for. I think that both would be a good answer. We were both on the edge of our seats by the end of the movie. See this movie is you haven't!
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Crazy 4 war movies - wrote on 05/13/2008
really awesome movie, tons of twits and turns that made me watch it over and over again. I keep finding new things that i hadn't seen before making it a movie worth watching again
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 04/06/2008
I really enjoyed this. The pace is quick, the tension palpable and, best of all, it keeps you guessing. Bale and Jackman are terrific rivals, and it mixes magic and science with flair. Great acting and a better story make this a keeper.
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Alex - wrote on 02/23/2007
[update] Yes, it is as good or better the second time around. I love this movie. Even though I know what is coming it is amazing the deception that is played. Also, it is not a standard hollywood ending. Well done, again, Mr. Nolan. The Prestige is much better than "The Illusionist." The acting is superb and the direction by Noland was very well done. This is one of the best movies of 2006. The problem is will it be as good the second time? I hope!