Full Movie Reviews
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cinegeek.de - wrote on 07/16/2016
Our Daily Free Stream: Reality Bites. Als eine Art Generation X Reihe. - Der Anfang: Ein paar Studienfreunde blödeln herum auf dem Dach eines Wolkenkratzers in Houston. Sie werden dabei mit einer Videokamera gefilmt, so dass wir "privates" Footage Material erleben. Sie sind genauso belanglos und langweilig, wie jeder andere auch, der vor einer Kamera Quatsch macht. Auffallend ist aber, wie wahnsinnig schlecht die Aufnahmen sind. Die Kamera schaffts nie, sie ins rechte Licht zu rücken; ständig springen sie aus dem Bildrand. Wir befinden uns mitten in einer Doku, die eine von ihnen selbst produziert. Der Lebenslauf der Freunde. Ich denke, es ist so konzipiert, dass wir diese College Abgänger während der harten Zäsur, dem Schritt ins echte Leben, begleiten sollen. Dummerweise ist …
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Reality Bites review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/17/2011
A love triangle between the 3 leads, an executive named Michael (Ben Stiller), Troy (Ethan Hawke) the carefree rocker and realistic filmmaker Lelaina (Winona Ryder). Lelaina’s friends Vickie (Janeane Garofalo ) and Sammy (Steve Zahn) have certain issues to deal with as well. In the end, only one man will triumph in being with Lelaina and obstacles that the friends tackle would be resolved. Memorable quotes: Lelaina - "I have work around here, and unfortunately Troy, you are a master at the art of time suckage." "I'd like to somehow make a difference in people's lives." "I mean, try at something for once in your life. Do something about it, but you know what? You better do it now, and you better do it fast, because the world doesn't owe you any favors." Troy – “I am any orders …
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A Winona Ryder film to fall in love with
Josh C - wrote on 04/13/2008
Depends what type of mood you are in. If you are single and looking for more than you can totally relate to this movie and it is awesome. If you aren't then this movie will probably appeal less to you. Either way this movie is acted well, has a good story, good dialog and overall can be appreciated for what it is.
The most surprising thing for me is all the good actors that star in the movie, yet it is still not a blockbuster type movie. Ryder will make you fall in love with her character. Hawke will make you hate him or wish you were him. Stiller is a bit of a dick and plays the same roll that he plays in every movie.
Sometimes the movie is pretty funny, but mostly it is just entertaining because it has many elements that a good friendship has.
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The title says it all
TheWolf - wrote on 08/03/2007
Recent college grad Lelaina (Ryder) must decide between a coffee house dwelling slacker named Troy (Hawke) who continually loses menial jobs, and Michael (Stiller), a decent hardworking yuppie in Chicago. Essentially a film that started it all by raising awareness of The Gap, the 7-11 Big Gulp, and conversations about Generation X pop culture. Then unknowns Janeane Garofalo and Steve Zahn play Lelaina's best friends. Stiller's ability to understand the material shows that he has an interest in a generation that's trying to find the middle ground. Hawke, an underrated actor, is quite good as the sharp tongued Troy, who seems to come off as unlikable in some degree for his mouth and his constant criticism. Ben Stiller eschews his comic persona for a more serious role as good guy Michael. …