Quick Movie Reviews
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FSUNoles27TS - wrote on 12/07/2012
I really enjoy watching this movie. Keanu Reeves and Langton are very cheesy as is the rest of the movie, but that doesn't make it a bad watch. It is hard to make a good sports movie, especially one that isn't cheesy. So I just took this for what it is and found it very fun. The way the NFL is turning into a bunch of premoadonas I wouldnt mind seeing a bunch of scabs out their on the field.
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Ikkinbot - wrote on 10/23/2009
I like a good underdog story and I like football teams that dance. A team that dances together stays together. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. Keanu Reeves may not have been the most believable quarterback (nor is he very funny, yet he has the lead in a comedy), but the rest of the actors are really funny and well placed.
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Ichabod Crane - wrote on 02/04/2009
Nothing special about this film at all. It is not terrible but it has absolutely nothing that makes it stick out as a good sports movie or a good comedy. It all has just some standard stuff from each of the two genres. The film is perhaps to safe and should have gone in a direction harder. Not terrible but nothing makes it worth watching.
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Allison - wrote on 12/22/2007
I thought it wasn't bad for a movie about football. I kind of liked it for the most part.
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/04/2007
As Yogi Berra so eloquently put it "This is like deja vu all over again." You've seen this film done before and done better. This is a staple for the sports genre and this doesn't break any new ground, nor is it that interesting.