Reversal of Fortune Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 07/08/2021

Excellent courtroom drama based on the controversial case of Claus von Bulow (Irons) and his legal battle to clear his name. Jeremy Irons deservingly won an Oscar for playing the cultured if creepy socialite. The late actor Ron Silver is good as his defense attorney Alan Dershowitz. The movie moves along at a good pace and balances out the legal arguments for and against von Bulow’s innocence.

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Oldpinkdogbar - wrote on 05/09/2021

Overacted and extremely melodramatic.

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/17/2019

More than your typical legal drama, "Reversal of Fortune" finds itself questioning ethics and morality with undeniable sophistication.

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