Rollerball Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

"Rollerball" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 09/13/2015

A young up and coming sports star is tempted by money and fame to compete in an extreme sport called Rollerball that is becoming popular in Asia. Although never considered a true classic, the original Rollerball is a well respected part of the 1970s sci fi canon featuring a thoughtful story of the triumph of individual action in the face of fascist corporate oppression. John McTiernan's woeful remake is nothing more than a ESPN clip show with absolutely no attempt at intelligence or insight, instead preferring to show a collection of underwear models hitting each other while roller skating to a horribly dated MTV sound track. The script makes some feeble attempt to make a point about the corruption of sport by big money, but transposing the story from a dystopian future to modern day …

Movie God

Rating of

Pretty poor the quality of the cast

TheWolf - wrote on 07/30/2007

For those unfamiliar with the 1975 version of Rollerball with James Caan, this film will be especially difficult to follow. Watching the original film before seeing this remake is essential because the old version plays like Cliff Notes in order to follow the action. The original movie wasn't a great film but at least it established interesting ideas about corporation rule in a futuristic society which operated in totalitarian rule under CEO's. This film attempts to satirize the extent producers will go for television ratings. In the original film, the game of rollerball was a fusion of hockey, football and motocross with gladiator brutality. This time the game is interrupted by constant cutting with complete absence of clarity and the arena is so small that it's claustrophobic mayhem …

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