Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Indyfreak - wrote on 12/22/2023
Epic-scale treatement of the classic Christmas icon who is treated with as much reverence as any religious figure that comes to mind. Or maybe more closely to anyone's favorite superhero as this was produced by the same guys behind the Superman movies. David Huddleston (The Big Lebowski) is good in the role though a lot of his sincerity is overshadowed by the scene-chewing by John LIthgow as the villain. The set design and production is incredible though. The flying scenes look really fake unfortunately. This is a weird mishmash of different ideas but I can't deny that its heart is in the right place.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 12/24/2015
"Now, all those within the sound of my voice, and all those on this Earth everywhere know that henceworth you will be called Santa Claus". The story is about a peasant woodcutter becomes Santa Claus and later foils an evil toy manufacturer's scheme to take over Christmas. Santa Claus: The Movie has it's flaws and dose have a lot of stupid moments, but I personally find this movie a guilty pleasure. It's got heart and the movie itself gets the feel of Christmas spot on.