Quick Movie Reviews
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thenoth - wrote on 03/04/2014
My type of horror film. Creepy and unnerving. The kind of horror that makes you look over your shoulder while you're watching it. I should say not everyones kind of horror though, my friend fell asleep while watching it. I guess it's a bit slow. Better to watch alone so you can really get into it. Maybe she just fell asleep because we watched it at 5 am after a long night of watching and analysing horror movies for a project. Anyway I think it's one of the best horror movies I've ever seen.
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smokiediebear - wrote on 08/30/2012
Another great movie that plays in your head and keeps you guessing. Very creepy and who doesn't love a horror set in a Insane asylum?
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Unknown - wrote on 01/04/2012
A mostly un-cliche horror film that relies heavily on the unseen. It gives us a long character setup, followed by a slow burn of continuously mysterious and creepy circumstances. This is one to watch in the dark by yourself.
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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/10/2011
Definitely a movie you want to watch on Halloween or a dark rainy night.I wish more horror flicks were like this instead of having to rely so heavy on blood, guts & gore
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Macasev - wrote on 06/15/2008
I love this move because it is sort of uncanny (maybe in Freudian terms). Very nice way of getting you slowly into a web of terror. It's not about the effects or polished horror-like design. It's about that strange feeling that overrides your rational thinking and gets to you through the back door. David Lynch is THE master of such method. I appreciate such a quality in every horror movie. I was totally freaked out by the last (misheard) line: I live in a weak and wounded dog. It's actually: I live in weak and wounded, doc.
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Josh C - wrote on 10/31/2007
Interesting enough plot and decent acting make for a decent movie. It was definately eerie and a bit unpredictable which is always a plus with any horror movie. It wasn't overly scary but watched in the right place it could be a good one.
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Andrew_Tom - wrote on 10/25/2007
Very atmospheric little horror movie. Though I'm sure most of that comes from the terrific location chosen for it. The cast is well chosen and do their jobs very well. Josh Lucas is barely recognisable behind his truly awesome facial hair. This movie will creep you out and you will not want to get inside an abandoned asylum.
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/25/2007
I like this film a lot - the atmospere does not get any better - this was filmed at the actual Danvers State Mental Hospital and it is creepy. The one downfall is that so many familiar faces from TV are here and it's a little jarring.