Movie Information
Overall Rank: 168
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 381
Theatrical Release Date: 04/10/1952
Language: English
Genre: Musical, Comedy
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Stanley Donen
Actors: Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor, Rita Moreno, Cyd Charisse, Jean Hagen
Plot: Silent film actors and "singers" are trying to make the transition to "talkies" when one of them can't sing well, but no one seems to tell her.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019
"Singin' in the Rain" has remained a defining musical for the 1950s era and the modern era.
Rating of
SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/21/2018
It is often said that magic comes from fairy tales, fantasy stories and a vivid imagination. Few of us, however, disagree with that statement on some occasions. Magic comes from life itself; the main character fully represents this wise anecdote in what may be the most charming number in a musical of the 50s. Unparalleled by then and irreplaceable now, Singin' in the Rain is one of the few musicals in history with such a high standard, and among the few movies that make me cry after watching a non-sad sequence over and over again. I insist there was a very damn good reason why Malcolm McDowell could only remember this song in A Clockwork Orange (1971). 97/100
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Amy - wrote on 11/21/2017
When it is good, it's just incredible, but it lost me for a while at the overlong "Broadway Melody" interlude, which has nothing to do with anything.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Forgettable Songs Hinder An Otherwise Fun Film
JLFM - wrote on 03/29/2013
Singin' in the Rain is often hailed as the greatest musical ever made. It's constantly referenced in modern film, and has been universally labeled as a masterpiece. So would it be strange if I were to say this film would've been much better without the musical numbers?
I have nothing against musicals. Some of my favorite films are musicals. But the songs in Singin' in the Rain are mostly mediocre and instantly forgettable, diminishing an otherwise entertaining and enjoyable production.
Don Lockwood is enjoying life as a Hollywood star, even if he does have to work with the irritating Lina Lamont. However, when a new kind of film known as "talkies" becomes popular, Lockwood, as well as his two friends, Cosmo Brown and Kathy Selden must learn to adjust to this new kind of …
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Singin' in the Rain review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/09/2012
Again, admittedly this critic is not a huge fan of musicals. Nevertheless, viewing this again as an adult, it was surprisingly entertaining and funny in all aspects. Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) is a popular actor who tolerates the boastful antics of dim witted Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen). He accidentally meets a talented Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds). He developed his talents as a child with Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Connor). The characters are one of its highlights aside from the compelling story on the transition of silent films to "talkies," presented better than The Artist. You have an egoistic star in Lamont, similar to Sunset Boulevard. One of the best supporting cast in Donald O'Connor, with the make em laugh sequence just spectacular. Choreography, costumes, sets and screenplay …
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