Movie Information
Overall Rank: 5826
Average Rating: 2.6/4
# of Ratings: 146
Theatrical Release Date: 11/23/2005
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Stephen Gaghan
Actors: Matt Damon, George Clooney, Amanda Peet, Kayvan Novak, Amr Waked, Christopher Plummer
Plot: The political war of oil, the US and the rest of the world disputes its importance of keeping things under wraps.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
worleyjamers - wrote on 06/29/2013
Good film. Well acted and well written, but the film's main narrative is hard to uncover under all the characters and stories.
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Yojimbo - wrote on 06/25/2012
Quite reminiscent of Traffic, this multi-layered story examining differing political elements revolving around the oil business is complex (almost too much so) and fascinating, but fails to engage on a personal level as you never get to really know any of the characters involved. It is a brave and politically objective film, but I'd hardly call it hugely entertaining. More Edutaining and worth watching at least once for that reason.
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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/27/2011
The pace of the story, screenplay and plot were just dull and dry. Character development could have been given attention to. Had some solid performances, which really doesn't make a good movie. The intent and premise seemed interesting, if only the execution was better. Nothing thrilling or dramatic about the star studded film, Syriana could have been better if Soderbergh directed it instead of producing it with Clooney.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Boring poltical non thriller
Ichabod Crane - wrote on 11/10/2009
Syriana too slow for its own good. It prods along so slowly that it failed to gain any interest from me. A film does not need to be short or ultra fast paced but this film is very poorly done. It does not use its slow pacing to develop characters or make an interesting storyline, or even a storyline that can be followed easily enough, you basically have to take notes in this film. Not because its too fast but because of the slow reveals and scenes on scenes that fail to hold intention or purpose. I like thrillers, and political thrillers very much but this one fails to be interesting at all.
Oscar Win Best Supporting Actor George Clooney 1/5- Clooney takes the method of acting where you just make a tired face throughout the whole film and do nothing to change it in anyways. There are …
Rating of
Someday we'll see this was just a stepping stone
Allison - wrote on 09/26/2007
Stephen Gaghan wrote this script. He is so brilliant that I couldn't even read the script and get everything straight. Not because it was poorly written either. It was amazing.
However, watching this movie, I felt it was too simple and didn't concentrate on the different characters enough.
I get the same feeling from Stephen Gaghan's movies that I did while watching early Charlie Kaufman movies like Being John Malkovich or Adaptation. I wanted to like them, but I knew he could do better than that. Then Charlie Kaufman gave us Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Synecdoche, NY is looking to be another great flick.
I am hoping that Stephen Gaghan's masterpiece will occur in the next 2-4 years so we can realize the scope of his brilliance.
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