Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5849

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 195

Theatrical Release Date: 03/30/1990

Language: English

Genre: Action, Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Steve Barron

Actors: Judith Hoag, Elias Koteas, Josh Pais, David Forman, Michelan Sisti, Leif Tilden

Plot: Four large, mutated turtles, with the help of their large, mutated, rat mentor, fight the evil Shredder. -- sapien

Quick Movie Reviews

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Unknown - wrote on 11/29/2011

A live-action Turtles movie actually kind of worked. I'm surprised.

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mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/09/2011

Satisfies all the dreams of a teenage boy who loved the TV series, but too cartoony and silly to be taken seriously by anyone else. I don't really know if there can be a seriously good film about talking, pizza-loving turtles, but this isn't it.

Rating of

deaddan2000 - wrote on 10/19/2010

Hey dudes, this is no cartoon!

Full Movie Reviews


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PsychoKing1227 - wrote on 10/19/2010

As a young boy growing up the early 90s, I sought guidance to the mysteries of life, liberty, and the pursuit of pizza, and by God, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo were there to aid me through it all. See, there are a great many reasons to despise this film: campy effects, a "not-so-strict" adaptation of the cartoon, Corey Feldman; but the real reason to LOVE this movie is that it got kids like me pretending we were Ninja-fighters besting off the Foot Clan, learning the value of honesty, integrity, bravery, and yes, a little tomfoolery never hurt either. Give it a chance again, we've all seen it, now just pop it in again and start doing your pretend Ninja moves and rescue Ms. O'Neil through a wild wide of Mutant Shredder madness!

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Movie God

Rating of

Best of the Turtles

Ichabod Crane - wrote on 12/30/2009

The first turtles movie is the best of the three but that hardly makes it anything special. This one is okay, I like the characters and their interactions in this movie and it does have a somewhat interesting plot, but it has some flaws otherwise than that. The look and sound of the movie is completely dated to later 80's early 90's look and sound. The look of the turtles themselves are fine but the movie has a slightly murky look that is not really needed. The flaw that harms the movie the most are the fight scenes, they are okay when being comical but when serious fighting occurs problems arise. None of the fighting seems real with a lack of intensity or anything else to make it interesting it is more of people randomly jumping out and saying random lines. Is this movie bad really no …

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