The Three Musketeers Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7807

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 83

Theatrical Release Date: 11/12/1993

Language: English

Genre: Action, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Stephen Herek

Actors: Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, Chris O'Donnell, Oliver Platt, Tim Curry, Rebecca De Mornay

Plot: The Musketeers are losing their power and influence in France due to the powerful Cardinal. -- sapien

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 07/12/2012

A fossil from a time in the late 80s when studios thought it would be a brilliant idea to put the so-called bratpack in absolutely EVERYTHING, but they'd definitely passed their sell by date when this was made. Basically, this is just Young Guns with swords...anachronistic, camp and stupid.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/09/2012

Another story that has about a hundred different adaptations (at least it seems that way). This Disney version is simply adequate - but not truly distinguished. Plus, the cast does not exactly inspire a lot of confidence. Somehow, I imagine the latest incarnation isn't going to be much better.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/19/2011

Disney adaptation of the classic story is just passable.

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