To Sir, With Love Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1101

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 101

Theatrical Release Date: 06/14/1967

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: James Clavell

Actors: Sidney Poitier, Christian Roberts, Judy Geeson, Suzy Kendall, Lulu, Faith Brook

Plot: An idealistic man with hopes of landing an engineering job takes a temporary position as a teacher at an East End London school. His breed of education is different, but as he breaks through to his students, and bonds with them, he must make a touch decision when an engineering job finally appears. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

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Indyfreak - wrote on 09/17/2019

Effective social drama about a black teacher forming a bond with his white delinquent students in Swinging '60s London. Sidney Poitier is in top form as the idealistic educator striving to enlighten his class.

Rating of

SIngli6 - wrote on 03/24/2011

Though it is certainly sentimental, 'To Sir, With Love', with it's charismatic lead and excellent young cast, still manages to pluck a few heartstrings.

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To Sidney, with the greatest respect

Holas - wrote on 01/19/2010

I just watched again this movie last night. It was just all perfect. I love to see Poitier's character upset and angry. He does it so well. Basically, what I believe, is that this move started the whole franchise of "Dangerous Minds" Stand and Deliver" crowd. I'm not great when it comes to movie history, but I just don'w know of a movie like this that proceded this.
Basically, it is about a Man, Sidney, who can't find work in his field so he takes the job of a teacher. His students are misbehaved deliquents. blah, blah ,blah he finds a way to get to them personally, the way he does it of course is a first also, and connect with the children and they learn to respect him, each other and importantly, themselves. Near the end of the movie, he gets a letter and it is a great job …

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