Movie Information
Overall Rank: 12265
Average Rating: 2.3/4
# of Ratings: 87
Theatrical Release Date: 12/08/2000
Language: English
Genre: Adventure, Action
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Martin Campbell
Actors: Chris O'Donnell, Robin Tunney, Scott Glenn, Ben Mendelsohn, Bill Paxton
Plot: K2, a mountain that is very difficult to climb, has two people trapped at the top with only one of the brothers and a make shift crew to rescue them.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/12/2012
Almost at par with Cliffhanger, but less powerful than Alive in terms of setting and story. Sincere performances exhibited, score endearing and direction was alright. Slow build-up is worth the wait for its conclusion. Vertical Limit is worth the watch.
Rating of
Unknown - wrote on 03/26/2012
Kind of an average film of this type of genre, but the climbing scenes are thrilling.
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/09/2011
This action thriller doesn't exactly probe new territory, but the believability of the actors and the stellar climbing action sequences makes it a thrilling and never boring tale of survival.
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