Virtuosity Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 15473

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 68

Theatrical Release Date: 08/04/1995

Language: English

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Brett Leonard

Actors: Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, Kelly Lynch, William Fichtner, William Forsythe, Louise Fletcher

Plot: A serial killer originates from virtual reality to start killing in the real world when a convict is released from prison to stop him.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 12/14/2022

Scifi action thriller that combines the police procedural formula with virtual reality that might have looked cutting edge in 1995. But it looks horrid now. Russell Crowe is having a blast as the villain, a digital serial killer suddenly free in the real world. Denzel Washington is one of the great leading men in Hollywood so he's alright I guess even if he has nothing to work with for his part. The movie has a cool idea but it's sloppily edited and moves too fast w/o time to breathe. Almost feels like it's been trimmed down or something.

Rating of

Ian - wrote on 09/16/2015

I would actually rate this a 2.75 if I could. It has been a while since I've seen it and I remember certain scenes and that I liked the film over all.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 11/29/2012

Typically of Denzel's films, Virtuosity is a sci-fi thriller that's full of cyber-babble yet completely lacking in the kind of tongue-in-cheek humour that could've made it watchable. Russell Crowe tries hard as a gleeful and seemingly indestructible serial killer, but it's all far too ridiculous to be taken as seriously as it's presented.

Full Movie Reviews


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Not to be taken seriously!!!!!!!

MovieAddict - wrote on 02/08/2013

"Just because I'm carrying around the joy of killing your family inside me doesn't mean we can't be friends."

Russell Crowe plays serial killer (SID 6.7) who escapes cyber-space and becomes a threat in the real world reveling in death and pain. Enter former police Lt. Parker Barnes (Denzel Washington), imprisoned for life after murdering a terrorist who kidnapped his wife and child. He is the only known person who can stop Crowe's reign of terror. Sid 6.7 craves media attention, as he is the composite of many serial killers including Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, and the man who murdered Parker's wife and daughter.

This wild, loud, action-fest is long on violence and short on sense but Washington and Crowe helps in keeping you interested for the duration of this film. William …

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