Movie Information
Overall Rank: 722
Average Rating: 3.1/4
# of Ratings: 85
Theatrical Release Date: 12/10/1972
Language: English
Genre: Mystery
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Actors: Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine
Plot: A man how is having an affair with another man's wife, is invited over for theater and games in which one of them takes it too far.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/13/2011
There are a lot of twists and turns in this film, but it isn't about the plot as much as it is about the cat-and-mouse games between the two fantastic leads. Strong performances bring to life the sharp dialogue and witty humor.
Rating of
woody - wrote on 02/03/2011
When I first saw this movie, shortly after its release, I thought it was the best movie I'd ever seen. For several years, I named it among my favorites. Then the gimmick wore off. I don't think I've seen it again in twenty-five years. Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine are both excellent, though, and you can tell when you watch them that they're having a ball with it. Maybe I should give it another look...
Rating of
FZero - wrote on 02/10/2008
Brilliant performances by the lead characters really elevate this overly long and sometimes flawed film. The clown scene still stands out as awkward when the film switches clumsily to a slapstick comedy. After meandering a bit in the beginning, things shift into high gear and the story doesn't disappoint. Although the twists are mostly telegraphed, since the movie doesn't rely on them it doesn't take away the enjoyment.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Ichabod Crane - wrote on 03/11/2009
A very interesting and fun film to watch, just to see were it goes since the performances are both superb. It works I think because it is comedic and the transitions away from that actually work and do not seem to forced. The second half could have been shortened a bit but on a whole it is great.
Oscar Nominee Best Actor Laurence Olivier 5/5- Oliver is great in this role and beats Caine in every single scene even when Caine has the upper hand according to the story. Every look and vocal change he uses is great and he never does a wrong thing in the whole film entertaining and effective throughout.
Oscar Nominee Best Actor Michael Caine 4/5- Caine is good like he always is but he is overshadowed by Olivier in every scene. He never manages to beat Olivier even though he remains good …
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