Inland Empire Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5736

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 61

Theatrical Release Date: 09/06/2006

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Mystery

MPAA Rating: R

Director: David Lynch

Actors: Jeremy Irons, Laura Dern, Justin Theroux, Harry Dean Stanton, Cameron Daddo, Ian Abercrombie

Plot: David Lynch's sprawling, surreal digital nightmare about an actress (Laura Dern) who lands a role in a cursed Hollywood production.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Inland Empire review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/15/2012

"From Hollywood, California, here stars make dreams, and dreams make stars!" - a vital quote by the Announcer. This has to be one of the best representations of Hollywood, from the mysterious beginning up-to the joyful party in the end loaded with Lynchian moments. A movie that is an experience rather than over-thinking or logically viewing it which will definitely confuse. Admittedly, after viewing so many of the director's films (Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me and his most straight/regular film aptly called The Straight Story), you eventually get what he is driving at regardless of plot structure, sound or character. One either loves or hates David Lynch because of his unorthodox methods coupled with unreal innovative figures …

Movie God

Rating of

"Inland Empire" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/19/2012

An actress gets a part in a new movie which is said to be "cursed" and finds the walls between fact and fiction start to blur to the point where she doesn't know whose life she is living any more. Trying to describe Inland Empire is like trying to describe a dream. You know you'll never be able to put it into words, and your feeble attempts to do so will be greeted with indifferent boredom. It makes Lynch's previous offerings Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway seem as inaccessible and incomprehensible as your average episode of Scooby Doo in comparison, and as such anyone unhappy with those films should do themselves a favour and steer well clear. I've never been a fan of Laura Dern, but the fact she appears in nearly every scene of this relentless 3 hour mindf**k is testament to her …

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