Letter from an Unknown Woman Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2032

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 04/28/1948

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Max Ophüls

Actors: Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan, Mady Christians, Marcel Journet, Art Smith, Carol Yorke

Plot: A former concert pianist, Stefan Brand, plans to flee his Vienna home in order to avoid a duel. Yet a letter from an unknown woman holds the key to his current predicament: through flashbacks we see their interactions, from a young neighbor, to a sudden pregnancy to a older woman willing to leave her family to be with him. Despite having forgotten her time and time again - she has never forgotten him. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 02/21/2012

Told almost entirely in flashback, this is a film about love and longing that is permanently tinged with sadness. Although the story itself unfolds in tragic fashion, the film's thematic use of music provides a few bright spots in the melodrama. Sad, but well-executed.

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