The Naked City Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2305

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 21

Theatrical Release Date: 03/04/1948

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Mystery

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jules Dassin

Actors: Barry Fitzgerald, Howard Duff, Dorothy Hart, Don Taylor, Frank Conroy, Ted de Corsia

Plot: A blond model was murdered. Lt. Dan Muldoon (Barry Fitzgerald) was given the assignment of the case. Detective Jimmy Halloran (Don Taylor) aids with the legwork. They investigate a myriad of people to resolve the difficult case including a friend of the victim Ruth Morrison (Dorothy Hart).

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 02/17/2024

More a police procedural than a character-driven narrative, this film noir is boosted by an impeccable sense of verisimilitude. The story feels real, the locations and cinematography help the story feel more grounded. Barry Fitzgerald is decent as the lead cop but things get a bit stale in the character department until Ted de Corsica shows up as a brutal thug. The climactic chase on the Williamsburg Bridge is thrilling.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/07/2013

Ah, 8 million stories in the Naked City and this is what you get: a film-noir that plays like a documentary focusing on a single murder in New York and the various people (on both sides) involved with the crime and investigation. Though I found it somewhat drab for my tastes, I can see why it's highly regarded. The City is really the main character

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The Naked City review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 09/19/2012

This Hitchcockian like picture must be one of the best/realistic mysteries/film noir/ Italian neorealism of its era. Jean Dexter, a blonde model, was murdered by two people. Lt. Dan Muldoon (Barry Fitzgerald) was asked to be responsible for the case together with Detective Jimmy Halloran (Don Taylor). Niles (Howard Duff), Ruth Morrison (Dorothy Hart) and Dr. Stoneman (House Jameson) were questioned. Screenplay was effective with lines: Lt. Dan - "Step by step" Capt. - "Sometimes I wonder what the human heart is made of." Niles - "These things happen lieutenant." and narrator - "Their is a pulse to a city." Exceptional voice over, wonderful cinematography, effective pace, detailed storytelling and hilarious humor were in full display. The score added to the excitement of certain …

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