Santa Claus Conquers the Martians Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 42879

Average Rating: 1.3/4

# of Ratings: 22

Theatrical Release Date: 11/14/1964

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/30/2012

Language: English

Genre: Family, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Nicholas Webster

Actors: John Call, Leonard Hicks, Vincent Beck, Bill McCutcheon, Victor Stiles, Pia Zadora

Plot: In this hilariously awful cult classic, Santa is kidnapped by a martians, with help from two children. Martian children, obsessed with Earth TV, want Santa to bring them toys as well but a supremely grumpy martian may off the trio before they can get to the planet... -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 12/24/2020

It’s about as stupid as you expect. The effects are terrible, the plot is nonsensical, and it looks hideous to watch. Some technical details are accidentally frightening. The picture quality is very dark and poorly lit. Meanwhile there’s threats posed by an evil robot or a downright sinister looking polar bear costume (they don’t even bother trying not to make the suit look non-anthropomorphic). But I will admit, a part of me thinks this could have almost work. Almost. If it obviously had a bigger budget and the story surprisingly tries to add a layer of social commentary, as half-baked as it is. But for now, it’s just a punchline and most definitely one of the all-time Hollywood turkeys.

Rating of

lastonetoleave - wrote on 08/27/2015

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) The children of Mars are upset because Santa Claus doesn’t visit them at Christmas time. So the Martians hatch a plan to kidnap Santa and bring Christmas to Mars. The film is filled with horrible costumes, acting that gets on your nerves and incredibly poor special effects. Legendary bad actress Pia Zadora (The Lonely Lady) makes her big screen debut as an earth child who is kidnapped to Mars along with Santa. She sings the show stopping number, Hooray For Santy Claus, which, much like the rest of this film, will haunt you for years. - See more at:

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/05/2012

Some films are so bad, they're funny. Some films are so bad, they're just BAD.

Full Movie Reviews

TV Extra

Rating of

Candy Canes and Crappy Campy Xmas Flick

WalDemento999 - wrote on 12/19/2010

Okay, when I first saw this as a kid with my dad, we both knew this movie just sucked. I would give this movie half a star, but it was so hilariously bad that I had to give it the other half of the star. I was surprised to see that this film was NOT directed by the infamous Ed Wood. So why is movie bad you might ask? Well, this film had an extremely low budget, there was a robot made out of cardboard, there was a man in a polar bear suit, the props for the martians suck because there wasn't enough green makeup for the actors portraying the martians. Second, someone must have had A LOT of free time to think of the story for this TV movie. Santa Claus gets kidnapped by martians because the martians want Christmas on mars. It could've been a good comedy the movie just flat out fails to try …

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