U Turn Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 14922

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 43

Theatrical Release Date: 10/03/1997

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Oliver Stone

Actors: Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Jennifer Lopez, Powers Boothe, Claire Danes, Joaquin Phoenix

Plot: A low-life former tennis instructor, on the run from the mob, breaks down near a small town in Arizona. While he awaits his '64.5 Mustang to be repaired the locals put him through the ringer. -- CJP

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 10/29/2012

Oliver Stone turns his hand from politics to ripping off Quentin Tarantino and the result is incoherent, nasty and completely uninvolving. A great cast is wasted trying to breathe life into a bunch of self-consciously oddball cardboard cut-outs and it's all so meandering and unstructured it totally fails to maintain the interest despite the sensationalist subject matter. A total misfire.

Rating of

smeagol - wrote on 09/12/2012

awesome movie with a great cast .5 stars from me sean penn plays a guy on the run from some gangsters who want to cut the rest of his fingers of. but his car breaks down in a little backward town on a very hot day. all he wants to do is get a cold drink and then get out of town asap but nothing goes to plan, there is lots of twists and dark plot turns and subjects.. the look of the movie is fantastic, nick nolte s great as is j lo suprisingly playing a dark yet sexy role. The ending is what you hope for in a movie. just perfect. and the scenes where he tries to get a cold drink are just funny. you really feel for the gu and root for him y all the way to the end. defentially reccomend this movie. its one you can really get into.

Rating of

sapien - wrote on 06/26/2011

The characters in this movie were interesting. But, the plot just wasn't all that great.

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Just how unlucky could it become

poonhokong - wrote on 04/01/2011

Roger Ebert called it a "repetitive, pointless exercise in film-making", for everyparts of it comes from somewhere. Yes the plot does bear quite resemblemence to Red Rock West (1994) starring Nick Cage, but the different focus, style and direction makes it an impressive movie in its own right.

The main attraction of this movie is the town. In the middle of nowhere, a burning sun, surrounded by eagles, waiting for you to die to eat your flesh, a road that leads out of town but kills you on the way without a mean of transportation, and a broken car. Moreover, this town is a trap, and everything in it is a trap. Every decision you make is a wrong one. Get your car fixed, wrong. Go to the grogery store for something to eat, wrong. Meet a beautiful girl, wrong. Buying a bum a Dr. Pepper, …


Rating of


CJP - wrote on 02/02/2009

Action: 2/3 + Comedy: 1/2 + Love/Sex: 1/1 + Plot: 0.5/1 + Music: 1/1 + Good vs. Evil: 0.5/1 + Special Effects: 0.5/1 = 6.5/10 or 65%.

There are a variety of ways that things can happen when a main character is on the run. The most common being that he/she is a dominating bad-ass that can beat-up anything, or he/she will lay low while having a nervous breakdown about the people after him/her, or he/she assumes a completely new identity until the past catches up. Sean Penn's character is not nearly intelligent enough to pull any of these off well, but he tries every single one once. He also has a duffle bag filled with about $30,000.00 and is on his way to Vegas to try to double it.

Once he meets Jennifer Lopez's Grace everything goes to ruin and every small town stereo type you can …

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