Ulzana's Raid Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8640

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 13

Theatrical Release Date: 10/18/1972

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 04/25/2011

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Western

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Robert Aldrich

Actors: Burt Lancaster, Bruce Davison, Jorge Luke, Richard Jaeckel, Joaquín Martínez, Lloyd Bochner

Plot: Old scout (Lancaster) breaks in young Army officer (Davidson) as he leads a group of soldiers after renegade Apaches. The cat and mouse game between the soldiers and the Indians may be a familiar plot, but the on-screen violence and raw dialogue raises this film far above average. Lancaster is believable as the grizzled old timer and the Apache leader who speaks only with gestures and facial expressions is chilling in his silence. The film is hard to find but well worth the effort. Be wary of copies that have edited out the more violent parts. -- Simon

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/05/2011

A well-made and gritty Western that stands out because of Lancaster's unique portrayal as a grizzled war veteran. Despite some required Western cliches, the film manages to remain powerful through intense and often very violent action scenes and a realistic, almost documentary style of filming.

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