The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4519

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 86

Theatrical Release Date: 03/10/1989

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 04/08/2008

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Terry Gilliam

Actors: John Neville, Eric Idle, Sarah Polley, Oliver Reed, Charles McKeown, Winston Dennis

Plot: The fantastical tales of Baron Munchausen and his friends, including a trip to the moon, escaping the Grim Reaper, dancing with the goddess Venus and being swallowed by a sea monster - all told against the backdrop of a very real threat from Turkish invaders. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

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Indyfreak - wrote on 08/22/2019

True to Terry Gilliam's style, this expensive fantasy detailing the absurd adventures of an eccentric baron does not skimp on the absurdity. But it does eventually become too much at once. John Neville is good in the lead role. But Sarah Polley is too whiney as his sidekick. Robin Williams' brief appearance as the mad King of the Moon will surely inspire nightmares. Oliver Reed is funny as the fiery god Vulcan. The effects are dated but they do compliment the scale of the movie and dreamlike setting. A highlight is the trip to the Moon. It is undeniable that Terry Gilliam has created an imaginative fantasy film but its near incessant spontaneity gradually becomes an irritant.

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/18/2019

"The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is a silly tale of whimsy from Monty Python alumni Terry Gilliam.

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Moviehead - wrote on 04/01/2012

Very fun movie, with good first part but if i remember well, ending was poor.

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Movie God

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"The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 06/24/2012

An ageing adventurer infamous for his tall tales volunteers to help a French town besieged by a Turkish army. The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen is unmistakably a Terry Gilliam film. It is a feast of creative visuals that hark from before the days of CGI that is lavish in its invention and meticulous in its hand-crafted detail in a way that is no longer seen in modern cinema. Unfortunately the lavishness of its production meant that its budget spiralled ever more out of control meaning that Munchausen will ever be remembered as one of the great flops which is rather unfair as the film does have plenty to commend it. It has a fine and characterful cast including some greats of stage and comedy, the afore-mentioned beautiful production design and the opening and closing stages of the story …

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