Anaconda Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28205

Average Rating: 1.8/4

# of Ratings: 131

Theatrical Release Date: 04/11/1997

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Luis Llosa

Actors: Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight, Eric Stoltz, Owen Wilson, Kari Wuhrer

Plot: A film crew shooting a documentary is taken hostage by a demented hunter looking for a killer anaconda.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 06/10/2019

One of the all time guilty pleasures for any film fan. Everything from Jon Voight questionable accent and effects that are dated even for 97 standards.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 10/08/2012

An unbelievably half-arsed Jaws rip-off that some say has a kitsch entertainment value, and I might have agreed if it didn't take itself so ridiculously seriously. When Jon Voight is leering at J Lo he just looks like he's trying to suck cottage cheese through his teeth. Laughably bad.

Rating of

MovieAddict - wrote on 01/24/2012

Eric Stoltz plays an anthropologist scouring the Amazon River in search of that Long Lost Tribe of natives. He is accompanied by a documentary film crew which includes Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube and Jonathan Hyde. Their peaceful voyage goes horribly awry when they pick up a strange man (Jon Voight) on a sinking ship and the entire film crew is taken hostage by the insane hunter, who takes them along on his quest to capture the world’s largest and deadliest snake the Anaconda. Popcorn-adventure movie with average special effects, cheesy acting and an obviously fake snake! We have Lopez just before she hit her diva status, Voight hams it up as an evil poacher and oh yea, Owen Wilson is in this one as well.

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