Angels in the Outfield Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9991

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 97

Theatrical Release Date: 07/15/1994

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Drama

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: William Dear

Actors: Danny Glover, Brenda Fricker, Tony Danza, Christopher Lloyd, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ben Johnson

Plot: A boy in foster care has hopes of living with his father one day - "when the angels win the pennant" his father tells him. The team is currently last in their division, but with a little divine help, maybe things can turn around.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Camper - wrote on 02/24/2014

I only watched this one because of little Joseph Gordon-Levitt. But he didn't really do all that much to save it. I don't know, I think this is one of those movies you only like if you grew up with it or something. I have no nostalgic memories attached to this film so I can safely say that it's just...bad. I know that the scene near the end where everyone is flapping their arms like angel wings is supposed to one of those touching moments or whatever, but I just found it hilarious.

Rating of

Alaine - wrote on 12/15/2011

May we get past our bizarre angel movies soon.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/04/2011

Really only for kids, but I do enjoy Christopher Lloyd.

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