Movie Information
Overall Rank: 41
Average Rating: 3.3/4
# of Ratings: 921
Theatrical Release Date: 08/15/1979
Language: English
Genre: War, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Actors: Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Frederic Forrest, Laurence Fishburne, Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper
Plot: Special ops Army captain Ben Willard is sent into the dark heart of the Vietnam War on a classified mission to assassinate rogue colonel Walter Kurtz. His journey includes some of the most iconic war scenes put to film, from surf-loving Lt Col Kilgore, and the famous helicopter attack on a Viet Cong village (to the strains of Wagner), the surreal USO jungle show by Playboy Playmates, to the Do Lung Bridge, the US' last outpost, where soldiers are abandoned to their fate and the only sound, besides explosions, is the yelling of the damned for salvation. Like Dante, every mile brings Willard further into hell with a growing suspicion that Kurtz may not be as crazy as the brass need to believe. -- Marco
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/02/2019
Possibly the most stunningly realistic, eye-opening, and existentially out-of-body film about the Vietnam War. It could also be considered one of the greatest movies ever made.
Rating of
SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/21/2018
Jaw-dropping; Coppola outdoes himself as he tries to go beyond his limits, both artistic and physical. The whole effort paid off. Apocalypse Now is a one-way ticket to the gates of Hades, the hell that war itself represents as it is not only a physical battle, but a psychological one as well. Vietnam was the perfect topic to treat. Everyone involved understood perfectly that its immediate reception was not meant to be good, but Coppola understood perfectly the everlasting effect it would cause in future generations. This is an authentic nightmare. 98/100
Rating of
Lauren - wrote on 03/04/2014
extremely intense. I don't know what else to say. it's very dense.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Herz der Finsternis
cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/12/2016
Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now wurde beeinflusst von Joseph Conrads Roman Heart Of Darkness über einen Europäer namens Kurtz, der den schnellsten Weg zum Kongo anpeilt und sich dabei als eine Art Gott etabliert. Man schickt ein Boot, ihn zu suchen, wobei aber der Erzähler sein Vertrauen in die Zivilisation verliert. Er wird niedergerungen von der der Macht des Dschungels, in dem ein erbarmungsloser Darwinismus herrscht: Jedes Lebewesen versucht tagtäglich, nicht besiegt, nicht gefressen zu werden. Am Ende geht es weniger darum, Kurtz gefunden zu haben, sondern das Wissen zu teilen, dessen Kurtz gewahr wurde. Unser tägliches Leben wird als fragiles Gebilde enttarnt, das von der unbarmherzigen Gewalt der Wildnis einfach verschlungen wird. Wie sieht ein glückliches Leben aber …
Rating of
'This is the end, my beautiful friend.'
memento_mori - wrote on 08/27/2013
Okay, I have humility.
Just like with The Wizard of Oz, I now really like a movie I never cared much for: Apocalypse Now.
On the surface it looked like another America-empowerment war movie.
For a long time I thought it wasn't right that so many people loved the helicopter scene and the cruel and unorthodox intentions of Kilgore and other soldiers. Then I thought about why people liked them so much. And I became fascinated by these characters.
Just like I thought originally, the direction is amazing. The use of the colors red, yellow, blue and green is infatuating and beautiful. The framework is awe-inspiring, especially in the opening sequences, edited with slides of Capt. Willard on top of them. I never knew a war movie could look so enthralling.
When I was done watching the …
Rating of
Apocalypse Now
worleyjamers - wrote on 06/29/2013
This film is really hard for me to review because while it's regarded as one of the best, I hated it immensely. Yes, there are qualities that were pretty perfect like the acting (Brando, Duvall, and Hopper especially), cinematography, and music, but it's so slow! So slow that it got boring in the middle and I just could not for the life of me get into it. Because I was unable to get into the film, the "brilliant" ending had literally zero effect on me, leaving me confused as to why this is so highly acclaimed. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't wait for this movie to end, I disliked it that much. However, I do respect the fact that I'm in the (tiny) minority of viewers who don't like the film, and so I still recommend it. It does (somehow) garner a 99% critics rating and a 93% viewer …
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