Movie Information
Overall Rank: 826
Average Rating: 2.8/4
# of Ratings: 621
Theatrical Release Date: 05/07/2010
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/28/2010
Language: English
Genre: Action, Fantasy
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Jon Favreau
Actors: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle
Plot: Now that Tony Stark has reveled himself to be Iron Man, he faces threats from both new enemies and his own government, who wants his technology to create an army. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/30/2019
A very weak sequel that might be serviceable enough for some.
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Ian - wrote on 09/15/2015
Just a great sequel that improved on the original in every way. The original wasn't bad by any means but this is just better. Watching this movie I had a sense of, "wouldn't it be cool if..." then the scene I was about to describe actually takes place. Great and underrated part of the Marvel Universe.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/06/2014
Iron man is back to kick some ass.iron man 2. is the worst movie of 2010.the visual effect are good and the action in some parts of the film are mind blowing but the movie has 6 mins of actin now that sucks.
Full Movie Reviews
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"Iron Man 2" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 02/12/2012
The power source in Tony Stark's chest is slowly killing him and when his behaviour becomes more and more erratic, the military insist on his sharing the technology. Meanwhile the son of Howard Stark's original partner appears on the scene wanting vengeance for his father's death in obscurity. Iron Man 2 delivers everything you'd expect from a summer blockbuster; flashy visuals, humour, big name guest stars and spectacular set pieces, as well as an underdeveloped plot and an over reliance on CGI. The main theme of the plot is that Tony Stark is Iron Man and it's not just a weapon, but the story actually has the opposite effect; there's Iron Man, then Iron Man with lots of guns on, lots of Iron Men to attack him and then Whiplash, who is really just another Iron Man with added whips. Add …
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IM2 _ A Great Sequel
MovieMike - wrote on 12/22/2011
Sequels are a tricky business. The creators need to stay somewhat near the original formula to keep fans interested; they also have to provide new twists and turns to keep things from becoming boring or repetitious. Given the popularity shown for the original Iron Man and the initial buzz for it’s sequel, Iron Man is destined to become a franchise film much like Star Trek, Superman, Star Wars, and Batman et al (sssshhh! – IM3 is already in development). As we’ve seen with other film franchises, it gets harder and harder to keep audiences coming back each time. At least with Iron Man 2 [IM2] there are definitely more twists to keep our hero, Tony Stark, busy; and the audience interested.
Jon Favreau is back in the director’s seat, and again does double-duty as Stark’s …
Rating of
Iron Man 2 takes Bronze
Greyola - wrote on 05/20/2010
Iron Man 2, the sequel to its BlockBuster in 2008, was released into theatres in the United States May 7th. In comparison to its presequel, Iron Man 2 performed an unrealistic bleak adventure with short bursts of action.
The second Iron Man presents impossible effects, such as a thirty pound armor rising from a 1 squared foot suiticase. While Tony Stark is speeding around in his million dollar car, he abruptly flips and crashes his stock car into a wall. Any average driver would have been immediately killed, of corse.
Most of the movie shows the anatgonist, Ivan Vanko, plot many new "Iron Men" to destroy the publicity of Iron Man's operator, Tony Stark. Sadly, after watching thirty minutes ot the builiding process, the "epic" battle lasts a mere fourty five seconds. Realistically, …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Adict - wrote on 2010-06-06 05:42
... and Marvel is recreating the bad DC versions with Marvel characters.
Northeast Kid - wrote on 2010-06-05 15:32
Not sure what you are talking about? Batman is not by Marvel. DC does Batman and Superman.
Adict - wrote on 2010-06-05 00:34
I just do not get why Marvel is trying to recreate the old cheesy Batman flicks. I mean, Daredevil was essentially the first Batman from Burton with worse acting and much worse special effects. So, it's not too bad when people like me say it was terrible, but it is too bad when Hollywood and Marvel just rush out everything in a less than 1/2 assed manner.
ONDeShay - wrote on 2010-05-20 17:12
I dug iron man 2 but I'm more a comedy person. It's too bad people say it was horrible, but in some ways I'd rather see Get Him to the greek or dinner for shmucks than a blockbuster. Don't need special effects to wow me