Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 21250

Average Rating: 2/4

# of Ratings: 22

Theatrical Release Date: 03/22/1985

Language: English

Genre: Family, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Bill L. Norton

Actors: William Katt, Sean Young, Patrick McGoohan, Julian Fellowes, Kyalo Mativo, Hugh Quarshie

Plot: A mother and her baby brontosaurus reside in Africa and are the target of hunters - only a paleontologist and her husband stand in the way. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 07/28/2021

Fantastical sci-fi family adventure about two plucky scientists trying to protect a group of living brontosaurus in the African jungle. Starring Sean Young, William Katt, and Patrick McGoohan as the villain. The animatronic puppets used to bring the dinosaurs to life may have been serviceable in 1985 but are woefully inadequate today. The baby dino especially looks really fake. But kids will probably find it cute enough. For a family picture I was amused by the amount of violence and casual swearing , plus the tribal nudity. Ah the eighties. The musical score by Jerry Goldsmith is actually very good and admittedly, it enlivens the big rescue in the climax.

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