Movie Information
Overall Rank: 2511
Average Rating: 2.8/4
# of Ratings: 52
Theatrical Release Date: 03/15/1964
Language: French
Genre: Crime, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Actors: Anna Karina, Danièle Girard, Louisa Colpeyn, Chantal Darget, Sami Frey, Claude Brasseur
Plot: A trio of young miscreants (two male, one female) plan to rob the girl's caretaker while the boys vie for her affection. Will their plan be successful?
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 10/01/2010
One of my all-time favorite films. The freeflowing creativity, charm, wit, zeal for life, etc. are all things that I admire and appreciate most about art. I think I like this movie more for the emotions I feel when I watch it than for the actual plot or characters.
Rating of
Allison - wrote on 12/23/2007
A severe disappointment. After all, Bertolucci's The Dreamers made this movie look so good.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Band of Outsiders review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 03/16/2013
"All that is new is there by automatically traditional." A stylish, suave and intellectual crime flick with a twist. The cool mannered Franz, Arthur, and Odile Monod meet after school hours to discuss stealing the money of Mr. Stolz. Highlights were the dance sequence, actual heist when the predicament of a locked door and shoot-out at the end. Too much fillers for a simple plot of stealing money and a love triangle. The score and screenplay however were fascinating with lines: "I trusted you and you do this to me?" - Mrs. Victoria "I'm disgusted with life." - Odile and "He wonders if the world is becoming a dream or if the dream is becoming the world." - Narrator. The Criterion Collection in detail breaks down the film's hidden messages for each quote mentioned/characters on the …
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