Be Kind Rewind Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9433

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 136

Theatrical Release Date: 02/22/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/17/2008

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Michel Gondry

Actors: Jack Black, Mos Def, Danny Glover, Mia Farrow, Melonie Diaz, Chandler Parker

Plot: A man's brain becomes magnetized, which ends up destroying all tapes at a popular video rental store. The best customer who happens to suffer from Alzheimer's, is treated to his surprise when they remake several late classics.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/22/2011

Silly comedy that provides some light, cheerful fun. It also adds the right amount of sentimental. Watching the two main characters 'sweed' these famous films is reminiscent of my childhood uses of a video recorder.

Rating of

donkeyknight - wrote on 05/03/2011

Sigourney Weaver is following us. This is the fourth movie in a month that she has popped up in. As for the movie itself, it has heart, but it also has a helping of relativism (It's our history! We can change it!-bleh) It has funny zany Jack Black and annoying zany Jack Black. It is inventive, but 90 percent of the inventiveness was revealed in the trailer.

Rating of

mimschkin - wrote on 01/26/2010

Be Kind Rewind is the type of film which looks like it was fun to make but ends up being just plain boring for the people watching it. Too weird to be taken seriously, but not weird enough to be one of those 'kooky/wacky/zaney' films that end up being cult classics, Be Kind Rewind was somewhat of a disappointment from a good director and a decent cast.

Full Movie Reviews

Franz Patrick
Franz Patrick
Movie God

Rating of

Unusually Touching

Franz Patrick - wrote on 08/18/2008

Even though far from perfect in most respects, I’ve come to profusely adore this film. Not only is it funny because of the two leads (Jack Black and Mos Def), it’s a tribute to motion pictures, all the characters are likeable in their own way, and there’s a great message about the power of films which is directly related to the bond among communities. There’s an undeniable imagination that drives the picture which is then reflected in the home movies, which turn out to be pretty interesting, laugh-out-loud funny, or both. Nevertheless, I think that the writing could have been much sharper which could then have elevated the movie in a whole new level. For instance, I wanted to know more about Black and Def’s lives outside of the video rental place. How are their relationships …


Rating of

Be kind to yourself: don't expect too much

kcvidkid - wrote on 07/01/2008

Oh, how I wanted "Be Kind Rewind" to be my favorite movie ever. Never has a concept so closely matched my background and interests. I guess there was really no way for me to NOT be disappointed.

The plot takes too long to set-up, when I wish it had dispensed with all logical explanation and gotten into the silliness faster. I don't really care WHY Jack Black and Mos Def have to recreate famous movies when the inventory of a video store is destroyed; I just want to see them do it. The set-up is overly contrived: it could have been something as simple as a fire, but no, there is an elaborate mishap that seems to take up half the movie.

I shouldn't fault the movie for trying to be more than it really is, and it does have an awfully sweet wrap-up. I guess the ultimate tone just …

Movie God

Rating of

Unique film, funnier than anticipated.

TheWolf - wrote on 03/26/2008

First let me say that I thought this film was better than I expected. To be honest I didn't go into the theater with high expectations. I was thinking that the best parts of the film were already shown in the previews that that would be the hardest part to accept. I like most of Jack Black's movies. Again with some comedians Jack Black is definitely an acquired taste. The cast was well chosen, the concept was very interesting. I didn't know how they would make the idea of VHS tapes being erased work because VHS is pretty much considered to be a dead media (there are kids that have never had to deal with a VCR or a Tape Deck so this concept would be lost on them all together).
I thought it was brilliant that they didn't decide to hide the fact that VHS is not that popular any longer and …

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