Movie Information
Overall Rank: 730
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 439
Theatrical Release Date: 06/03/1988
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Penny Marshall
Actors: Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, John Heard, Jon Lovitz, Jared Rushton, Robert Loggia
Plot: A twelve-year-old boy wishes he were big and the next thing he knows he is an adult trying to make a living while his friends are still in grade school.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/04/2014
The story is about a twelve-year-old boy wishes he were big and the next thing he knows he is an adult trying to make a living while his friends are still in grade school. Big is a heat warming movie with a great a excellent acting by Tom hanks.
Rating of
Rich - wrote on 08/04/2012
A great movie that really showcases the acting prowess of Jon Lovitz. There was also another guy in it who became pretty popular, but I can't recall his name right now
Rating of
dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/14/2011
This movie will never get old or stale.1 of Tom Hanks best
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 03/24/2013
This reviewer recalls enjoying this 80's flick. As a kid didn't we at least think about what it's like to be an adult and have responsibilities? Josh Baskin (David Moscow) is a 12-year-old and and has a best friend named Billy Kopecki (Jared Rushton) become unfamiliar with each other when a certain change occurs. Josh tinkers with a huge toy piano and plays with Mr. MacMillan (Robert Loggia).
The soundtrack, screenplay and performances were wonderful. It shows how great Hanks was at an early age. Best lines: MacMillan - "Boss needs to be knocked on his ass every once in a while." and Scotty - "You gotta pace yourself, slowly, slowly." Big represents maturity, friendship, love, corporate world and difficulties of growing-up. Definitely a must see for kids and those young at …
Rating of
"Big" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 03/26/2012
Tom Hanks plays Josh Baskin, a 13 year old who wishes he was "Big" and wakes up in adult's body. There was a huge wave of wish fulfillment films in the 80s including many body swap comedies, this being the original and probably the best. Hanks brings just the right level of goofy, naive charm to the role to the point where I'm pretty sure Brendan Fraser has spent his entire career copying it. All the biggest laughs are when he first deals with his new body and tries to make his way in the adult world, but by the end it descends back into the kind of sappiness that Hollywood screenwriters seem totally unable to resist. There's decent support from John Heard as an amusingly immature work mate but its clunky "what's important in life" message is a little too forced, necessarily appealing to …
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