Blades of Glory Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8183

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 214

Theatrical Release Date: 03/30/2007

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Josh Cordon

Actors: Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler, Jenna Fischer, William Fichtner

Plot: Two of the world's best, and most unique, figure skaters get banned from the sport. Their only way back in is to pair up as the first, men's doubles figure skating team.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 06/19/2015

Blades of Glory is not very funny, very predictable, been done to death over and over again and overall it's not a very good movie.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/22/2011

Super silly comedy that delivers some laughs. Ferrell and Heder are good together.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/19/2011

NOT funny at all

Full Movie Reviews

The Movie Man
The Movie Man

Rating of

Blades of Glory

The Movie Man - wrote on 05/23/2009

Blades of Glory is a funny film that lacks just about everything else. It is sloppily produced, directed and written but for the most part, it does have a good cast. Will Ferrell is Hilarious in his role. Jon Heder is not, he seems that he can only get laughs(Mild laughs at that) after people have started laughing at Ferrall. Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are funny and good in the movie, but their roles are pointless and their not convincing at the "villians". The underrated Jenna Fischer is sort of a standout in this movie, while she's very sexy in her role, she is also quite funny, not for her dialogue, but for her facial reactions to things happening around her. William Fichtner is sadly wasted. The films biggest flaw is the chemistry, or lack there of between Jon Heder and anyone he's …

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