The Bodyguard Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 10754

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 120

Theatrical Release Date: 11/25/1992

Language: English

Genre: Romance, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Mick Jackson

Actors: Whitney Houston, Kevin Costner, Mike Starr, Tomas Arana, Gary Kemp, Bill Cobbs

Plot: An ex secret service agent takes the job of protecting a pop star when he may have fallen for her which he never had problems when his duty was making sure the president was safe.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 11/09/2012

Absurdly soapy melodrama that's so strictly by the numbers, there is absolutely no point in watching it.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/09/2012

My mom loves this movie - I, not so much. Plus that theme song won the award for "Most Annoying Movie Song" until Celine Dion took the crown with "My Heart Will Go On". One of the main reasons I tend to avoid romantic movies in general.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/04/2011

Might have been better, if they had used some else in Houston's place.

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