Movie Information
Overall Rank: 13598
Average Rating: 2.2/4
# of Ratings: 114
Theatrical Release Date: 02/09/1996
Language: English
Genre: Action, Adventure
MPAA Rating: R
Director: John Woo
Actors: John Travolta, Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis, Delroy Lindo, Bob Gunton, Frank Whaley
Plot: A tough Air Force pilot intentionally downs a plane he is piloting in order to obtain the two nuclear warhead to blackmail the government for repeatedly passing him up for promotion. The only thing standing in his way is his co-pilot and a park ranger. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 03/09/2011
Pretty dumb and generic. There are some flashes of fun with the over-acting cast, but the action sequences are pretty lifeless for a Woo film and the plot has been seen/done many, many times before.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
"Broken Arrow" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 12/21/2011
A US stealth bomber pilot steals its nuclear payload to hold the government to ransom with only his erstwhile comrade and a Park Ranger in a position to stop him. Yet another no-brainer from John Woo, Broken Arrow features every cliche from the Hollywood action playbook, including exploding helicopters aplenty, endless slow motion shoot outs and literally everything blows up in an enormous fireball (hell, one of them's even nuclear!) It features the machine gun toting hijackers providing the out of the frying pan into the fire into another frying pan scenarios of Die Hard and the runaway train finale of Speed, all set in some pretty desert locations and it all happens with digital clocks ominously counting down time after time after time. Christian Slater is likeable enough as the hero …
Rating of
Broken Bow too
Holas - wrote on 01/08/2010
What is there to say? If you haven't seen this film, I'll give you a run down. Travolta--bad guy. Slater--good guy. Mathis--girl who falls for good guy. That dude with cop hair--bad guy/bad acting, I believe he was a football player in real life. Anyway, back to the movie. The two stars start off as friends, one has a criminal bad idea, the other tries to stop him. They fight, bad guy loses, WOW-yes in this one too, the bad guy loses. Not great writing, decent effects for its day. It inspires me to make a list out of all the great ways Travolta dies, Punisher is #1. For Slater, it isn't as bad as "Hard Rain" but that is not saying much. You got some time on your hands, go ahead, watch the movie. You want to see a better similar movie and by the same director--go watch …
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