The Brothers Grimm Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9512

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 162

Theatrical Release Date: 08/26/2005

Language: English

Genre: Fantasy, Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Terry Gilliam

Actors: Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Jonathan Pryce, Monica Bellucci, Lena Headey, Roger Ashton-Griffiths

Plot: A pair of phonies, who create fairy tales and then exploit the vitctims for solving the mystery with fake magic and spells stumble upon a real life fairy tell.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/18/2014

Brothers Grimm is about a pair of phonies, who create fairy tales and then exploit the victims for solving the mystery with fake magic and spells stumble upon a real life fairy tell. This is the worst movie of 2005. The movie has some really creepy and some horrible scenes were cats and animals getting killed in this movie.

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Ean Vali - wrote on 11/30/2012

Great way to play with the tales of old. Even in this strange story might be more truth than the weak storys now told to children.

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Daniela Moraes - wrote on 05/09/2011

Beautiful art direction and production but a script full of holes, mistakes and unfunny jokes.

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"The Brothers Grimm" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/26/2012

Terry Gilliam once again puts his post modern spin on Gothic fantasy, and once again it's very much a matter of taste as to whether you are going to enjoy it. The Brothers Grimm are reinvented as a pair of con artists who set up fake hauntings and ride into town to banish the demon for a modest fee (kind of like a Medieval Ghostbusters). Until one day they are caught and sent to investigate a series of child kidnappings and realise that it's the real deal. All of Gilliam's trademark touches are here including a lot of humour, some gorgeous production design and a quirky spin on existing myths and fairytales. It's kind of like a buddy action version of his heroic failure The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen and Heath Ledger and Matt Damon have some real comic chemistry as the bumbling …

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