The Last Stand Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7877

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 67

Theatrical Release Date: 01/18/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 05/21/2013

Language: English

Genre: Action, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jee-woon Kim

Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jaimie Alexander, Forest Whitaker, Peter Stormare, Rodrigo Santoro, Harry Dean Stanton

Plot: A dangerous drug cartel kingpin escapes captivity and heads for the Mexican border in a tricked out car and backed by a fierce gang. The authorities decide to make a stand at Summerton Junction, where a former LAPD cop-turned small-town sheriff and his inexperienced crew are out to prove their worth. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/12/2014

If you're looking for an action movie to watch then this is a good 1.It's nothing great but it does have a TON of action.The best thing about Last Stand was Arnold Schwarzenegger.I've never really been a fan of his but he was pretty good.The thing I hated about Last Stand was Johnny Knoxville playing the town idiot.I guess I was suppose to find him funny but I only found him annoying.I think the movie might have been better without him in it.Well like I said, If you're looking for an action movie then Last Stand has a TON of it.I think it's mainly worth watching to see Schwarzenegger as a bad ass small town sheriff

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/13/2014

Shakespeare it ain't, folks - big, loud, dumb - this is the epitome of action films - and, yes, it felt like a throwback to the Arnie heyday of the 80s - wafer thin character and plot - lots of gunfire, improbable outcomes and every cliche they could throw at you... yet this was tons of fun. I'm actually surprised it didn't do better at the box office.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/07/2014

"Am the sheriff".the last stand. I was not looking forward to this movie just because it looked like a messy action movie but the movie was awesome.the action is good and it is so good to see Arnold Schwarzenegger back in movie's again.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Arnie is back!

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 03/08/2018

Arnie is back!

Fun, entertaining full of action with Arnold as sherriff in a godforsaken hole somewhere near the Mexican border on his way to his retirement. Do not expect a thoughtful story because sometimes laughable how it proceeds. But it’s purely about the action. Various gunfights, with bullets flying around in abundance. If only most policemen were like him in this film. Crimes would be resolved rather quickly.

Two truckers in a cafe plus a dead old farmer and Arnold knew immediately that there was a connection and things would go wrong real soon. There’s an amusing pursuit in a cornfield that ends with a heroic fight … For me this is the ideal movie for a Saturday night. But it’s abundantly clear how badly the acting talent of Schwarzenegger is. He had too much text …


Rating of

Arnie's back!!!!!

Lee - wrote on 05/27/2013

I have to admit that when I heard that Arnie was through with politics and being the governator and was slowly making the jump back to movies, although thrilled as he was at one time my fave action hero of days gone by, I will admit I feel age is a factor here as Arnold is now 65 that watching this film I felt wow he is too old for this $hit however after seeing the film I feel Arnie can still knock em' out of the park so to speak. The Last Stand is Arnie's comeback and I am here to happily state that he is back and back with a vengeance.

Arnie portrays town sheriff Ray Owens a former LAPD cop who is semi retired in a sleepy lil town where the highest action takes place within his jurisdiction is probably rescuing a cat out of a tree. This lil town is known as Summerton Junction. …


Rating of

Arnold's comeback film is throw away trash

sreekirch - wrote on 04/26/2013

The Last Stand
Directed by Kim-Jee -Woon
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
If Arnie is back! , The Last Stand does not stand enough to pull Arnie from the dark. Yes I admit it is a comeback film for the great action hero of yester years. But for the modern context, he is old to come back. There are lots of guns firing, shot guns hitting metals and swirling helicopters to the finish. I felt for a while that director Kim-Jee Woon had missed to write a story here. For a great action star, one needs a strong action plot. But the last stand does not stand to its work. It was meandering and I was waiting for the action to begin.
If I would say about the plot, it is simple. A cartel escapes in a fast car and he has to cross Summerton town to escape from US. But to cross the border, he …

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