Carrie Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 12352

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 40

Theatrical Release Date: 10/18/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/14/2014

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Kimberly Pierce

Actors: Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde, Judy Greer, Portia Doubleday, Ansel Elgort

Plot: A shy, sheltered teen develops increasingly powerful telekinetic powers. She uses them to devastating effect when her peers push her too far. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 10/08/2014

Not the worst remake ever, but the problem is it's pretty much the exact same film Brain De Palma gave us in '76 so if you've already seen that (classic) horror film, this feels like a tired retread. Compared to the original, it's just a pale imitation and thought I give credit to Moretz and Moore - they just can't match Spacek and Laurie. Other than giving us YouTube, cell phones and a few small touches from Stephen King's original story - it's a too close retread that, like leftovers, just isn't as good the second time around.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/21/2013

Carrie should join the X-men. if you have seen the original movie then you will not be happy with this movie,because it is the same story and you know was is going to happen, they is nothing new here. The writing in the movie was a bit Odd and the acting was fine. "Not a terrible remake just a forgettable one".

Full Movie Reviews

Rising Star

Rating of

Uninspired filmmaking and acting

Andulamb - wrote on 10/02/2020

This movie is a good example of everything that is wrong with modern film-making. 1) Hollywood has no new ideas, and relies too much on remakes and sequels. 2) Hollywood is obsessed with pretty actors, to the point of casting them in roles that don't make sense. In the original Carrie, Sissy Spacek is perfect as a homely outcast; adorable Chloe Grace Moretz is not. 3) Contemporary actors seem unable to stray far from a generic vanilla personality. Compare Spacek's portrayal of Carrie in the original film to Moretz's portrayal here. Compare Laurie's portrayal of the mom in the original to Moore's portrayal here. Spacek and Laurie create unique, memorable personalities. Moretz and Moore recite lines. 4) Hollywood is obsessed with o-ver-ed-it-ing. There's a scene between Chris and Tommy, …


Rating of

Review: Carrie

MikePA - wrote on 10/20/2013

Minor spoilers ahead..........

Brian De Palma's Carrie, back in the 70s, was something of a terrific film - scary, tense, engaging, and above all, nuts. This remake directed by Kimberly Pierce is everything that the original was except engaging, scary and tense. It is nuts. Not merely in a positive view, however. It has most of the plot points pinned to the board (only updated to today's use of social media), but it's missing the overall vibe of uneasiness that oozed out of the original film's core. It fails as a horror film pretty badly - completely lacking the suspenseful buildup to the big prom scene and failing to grip and pull us inside the mind of a paranoid, lonely, stressed out teenager whose going through teenage girl hell. Rather than feeling sympathetic for the character …

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