Movie Information
Overall Rank: 14996
Average Rating: 2.2/4
# of Ratings: 38
Theatrical Release Date: 10/25/2013
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 02/11/2014
Language: English
Genre: Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Ridley Scott
Actors: Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, Cameron Diaz, Penélope Cruz, Goran Visnjic
Plot: A respected lawyer, looking to increase his fortunes, gets involved in the
illegal drug trade and quickly finds himself in a dark, unforgiving world
- and way over his head. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/27/2015
So many people are down about this film - and I can see why. The pseudo-intellectual monologues are ham-fisted and, quite frankly, a bit tone deaf. The pacing of the film leaves a lot to be desired and the characters are mostly unlikable (narcissistic, sociopathic, weak - take your pick). But the film does great into going to some dark places - especially the grunts who will literally do anything for money. I was expecting more from Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting.
Rating of
Jacob Zembower - wrote on 01/29/2014
Probably the most underrated, polarizing film of last year. Ridley Scott in top form, and Cameron Diaz's best performance since Vanilla Sky.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 11/06/2013
The biggest Mystery about this movie was why was this made.The Counselor. This is by far the most boring movie of 2013, the Directing and the acting are average but the story is very hard to follow and the characters are shallow. and this movie will get a 0 and a half out of 4 star's "boring and forgettable movie".
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
A dead boring first hour and an impressive ending
ikkegoemikke - wrote on 09/06/2017
A man would give entire nations to lift grief off his heart and yet, you cannot buy anything with grief, because grief is worthless.
This is a difficult movie to rate. I have mixed feelings about it. The first part is terribly tedious and boring. A series of hugely pretentious dialogues and incomprehensible philosophical reasoning. It is a montage of various fragmentary issues that make it difficult to sense the vibe of the movie and to understand what it's about. Also there are subjects used that were completely beside the point in my eyes (the erotic beginning for starters). Also the total absence of any explanation of how they ended up in this situation, makes it uneasy to follow the storyline.
Ridley Scott, of course known for his masterpieces "Blade Runner" and "Alien",didn't …
Rating of
"The Counselor" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 05/15/2017
An affluent and otherwise respectable lawyer falls in with some wheeler dealers of the criminal underworld and unwisely decides to do business with a South American drug cartel. With a script written by Cormac McCarthy, direction from Ridley Scott and a cast that boasts Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, you know you're in for a treat. Or so you'd think. The plot on offer is like a grindingly workanlike rehash of an episode of Breaking Bad and populated by singularly uninteresting characters spouting pretentious waffle and occasionally engaging in passionless and robotic sex scenes - in fact Cameron Diaz enjoying the carnal knowledge of a sports car (I kid you not) is cringeworthy on a Gigli-esque scale. Extremely slick and impossible to care about, the …
Rating of
great cast but it leaves you empty
smeagol - wrote on 02/01/2014
Great cast, about a guy who gets mixed up in the cartel. The film is very talky yet its hard to know what really going on a lot of the time, the dialogue is full of almost poetic wise words. with long passages of pointlessness its like the writer wrote the best wise words he could but then made the mistake of using them for most of the characters. The lead up to the end is weak , so much is said in this movie yet so much is unexplained and feels empty. then it just ends . Leaving you thinking wow that turned out depressing. it offers no hope no revenge no follow up no redemption no nothing except bleak reality. which would be fine and a different ending to most films if it was not for the fact that the movie had very little middle story or action. it was in short too empty to just end …
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