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Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3676

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 17

Theatrical Release Date: 02/15/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/25/2013

Language: Spanish

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Pablo Larraín

Actors: Gael García Bernal, Alfredo Castro, Antonia Zegers, Néstor Cantillana, Alejandro Goic, Luis Gnecco

Plot: In 1988, Chile's military dictator Augusto Pinochet is forced by the international community to hold a referendum to decide if he will continue his rule. Despite tremendous pressure and constant scrutiny by Pinochet's agents, the opposition comes up with a bold plan, spear-headed by René Saavedra, a young advertising executive. -- Chris Kavan

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lastonetoleave - wrote on 03/29/2013

NO (2013) Chile in 1988 is ruled with an iron fist by the dictator Augusto Pinochet. When increasing international pressure is mounted against the ruling government, Pinochet agrees to a national vote. A vote Yes means that he stays in power, and a vote No means democracy stands a chance in the country. A young ad executive (Gael Garcia Bernal) is asked to head a campaign against overwhelming odds to convince a country to vote NO. Bernal is the reason to see this film, as he gives an inspiring performance of the ad executive who risks his life for the democracy movement. It is an interesting film that gives you appreciation of the power of democracy and how people all over the world are fighting for the right of self-determination. My Rating: Full Price

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