Eight Crazy Nights Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 19380

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 57

Theatrical Release Date: 11/27/2002

Language: English

Genre: Animation, Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Seth Kearsley

Actors: Adam Sandler, Jackie Sandler, Austin Stout, Kevin Nealon, Rob Schneider, Jon Lovitz

Plot: The judge orders Davey to donate his time as the assistant ref in a youth basketball league or go to jail. -- sapien

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 05/02/2014

The judge orders Davey to donate his time as the assistant ref in a youth basketball league or go to jail. The animation is a bit messy at parts but the movie is unfunny and just a waste of your time.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/15/2013

Without any doubt, this IS the worst of Adam Sandler's films (that I've seen thus far). I almost didn't make it through this entire disaster. The story is lazy, the voices are beyond annoying, and the humor couldn't be further from actual comedy. The experience of watching this movie is simply painful. What's worse is the fact that the animation is great. Terrible waste.

Rating of

chrisdye newguy - wrote on 02/23/2012

well when i rented this movie a few years ago i guess i got the wrong idea about it because i thought it was suposed to be a cute christmas comedy and all i got was a rude and cude comedy about a grinch who finaly gets some christmas sprit near the end of the film terible move for kids and adults alike no value what so ever

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