Movie Information
Overall Rank: 336
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 145
Theatrical Release Date: 11/07/2014
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 02/24/2015
Language: English
Genre: Animation, Action
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Don Hall, Chris Williams
Actors: Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, James Cromwell, Daniel Henney, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung
Plot: The incredibly fast-paced and tech-heavy San Fransokyo is under attack - but robotics expert Hiro Hamada, with his robot Baymax, will team up with some reluctant, novice crime fighters in order to save the city. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
JonathanGreen - wrote on 01/22/2020
Smartness overload! The technology and talents of all the characters were beyond my comprehension. GENIUS!
Rating of
EricHill - wrote on 01/22/2020
ADORABLE! How could a giant white robot with an expressionless face make someone feel better? Sometimes, presence is all that matters.
Rating of
GaryWright - wrote on 01/21/2020
This movie taught me the essence of confidence and perseverance. If you put your heart and mind into something, things are possible.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Ich bräuchte ein Nachhilfe Seminar für all die Superheros, die Hollywood während der vergangenen Jahre in lächerlichen Kostümen losschickte, die Welt zu retten. Meine Erwartungen an Big Hero 6, der auf einem Comic beruht, das sich wie ein Manga ausnimmt, waren gering. Wider erwarten wurde ich aber schnell warm mit der Metropole San Fransokyo, die irgendwie aussieht wie Tokyo und in der Super Hero 6 spielt. Hier lebt der 14-jährige Hiro, der seine ganze Energie auf illegale Roboterkämpfe verwendet. Sein Bruder Tadashi versucht Hiro zu helfen, etwas aus seinem Leben zu machen. Er führt ihn in das berühmte Forschungszentrum von Professor Callaghan und tatsächlich wird Hiro aufgenommen. Ein Brand aber zerstört das Labor des Professors und Tadashi kommt beim Versuch zu helfen, ums …
Rating of
Very good animated Disney film
Gabe - wrote on 11/24/2014
I'll admit I was caught completely off-guard with this one. I had no idea this was going to be a superhero movie. Disney has done it again with this one. I don't know what is is about robots, but between this and Wall-E, animation studios are able to make them seem more human than the "real" people. I also was caught off-guard by who the villain is, my wife was not however.
But this is a highly entertaining film about a boys love for his brother and his robot. And man, does this boy have it rough. Parents...dead. Brother...dead. He has nothing except his brother's friends and his brother's robot, Baymax. Baymax's entire being is built up on helping people, while Hiro only wants to avenge his brother's death...and get who stole his big idea. It takes some twist and even keeps …
Rating of
Baymax: "Hello, I am Baymax".
Matthew Brady - wrote on 11/16/2014
Baymax has to be the most adorable and coolest Disney character I've seen in a while.
The story is about San Fransokyo being under attack - but robotics expert Hiro Hamada, with his robot Baymax, will team up with some reluctant, novice crime fighters in order to save the city.
Just like every year Disney always brings out films that are mostly good or adorable, and a long comes Big Hero 6 and this movie is on the level of adorable, but not that close to brilliant.
The animation in this movie was so colorful and so gorgeous to look at that my eyes couldn't get enough of it. The character's were funny and pretty awesome, even Baymax which has to be the most adorable and the most lovable character I've seen on the big screen. The action scenes were really well shot and enjoyable …
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