Cold in July Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6294

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 21

Theatrical Release Date: 05/23/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/30/2014

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jim Mickle

Actors: Michael C. Hall, Don Johnson, Vinessa Shaw, Sam Shepard, Wyatt Russell, Nick Damici

Plot: A man shoots and kills a burglar inside the house and the father of the dead man comes to threaten the family of three. The father soon finds out that there is more to the crime, both for him and the family, and something the police have tried to bury. -- travincal

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/18/2019

Maybe I've seen too many movies, but I noticed very little originality in "Cold In July." Most of it felt pulled from "Cape Fear," "A History of Violence," or somewhere else, but what freshness it did offer made all the difference.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 11/28/2014

A subtle crime-drama-thriller mix that is plain and simple, in a good way. Some great older actors get to shine in a competent plot that changes it's agenda through each act. Character reveals and alliance swaps happen smoothly and for good reason. It gets down to business in a more realistic setting. This is a solid little movie.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

A must see for all fans of a suspenseful thriller

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 10/30/2017

"I need a drink and I haven't even had my coffee yet."

Imagine. Your wife wakes you up in the middle of the night because she heard a suspicious noise. You get up and with trembling knees and a giant easter egg in your pants, you move along with a mega-gun in your shaking fist. And there's actually a burglar waving a flashlight in the middle of your living room. And in that very tense moment the antique grandmother-clock chimes. You scare and "BANG" the revolver goes off. The burglar will never have the urge again to go and buy cigarettes at the local supermarket. In other words, the brains he possessed aren't anymore where they should be. They have spread all over your living room. Obviously, this is seen as self-defense, and while the funeral is held, you are secretly watching …

Movie God

Rating of

"Cold In July" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 11/19/2014

A father and husband shoots dead a home invader but comes to fear for his family's safety when the man's father arrives in town and threatens revenge. Cold In July is set in 1989 although for the life of me I couldn't figure out why, exactly. It mainly just gives the makers an excuse to include a contrived and intrusive 80's style sound track and some questionable fashions in the style of Don Johnson's amusingly over the top pig farming private eye. The opening act does in fact feel like a rather trashy 80's thriller, because of which I girded my loins to endure another cheesy stalker film in the vein of a cheap rip off of Cape fear. Thankfully half an hour in, the plot throws an unexpected curve ball that makes everything a lot more interesting and sets the scene for a mismatched buddy …


Rating of

Things are not as they first appear to be

smeagol - wrote on 09/17/2014

Whats good about this film is it doesn't go where you expect it to go. it starts with a young family the husband wakes up to find a intruder in his home and shoots him dead. the dead guys father is released from prison and seeks revenge for his sons murder. but things are not what they seem and the story takes a completely different turn as things are revealed. enter don johnson who is goood in this and this movie, it tthen akes ius in another direction where more disturbing things are revealed and things take yet another turn.
The twisty plot and turns take you on a ride , don johnson is good in this he makes for a good character i'd like to see him in some major films he has that likeable yet dark quality to him now his older.
The faults i found with the film is the ending i would …

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