A Walk Among the Tombstones Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3760

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 55

Theatrical Release Date: 09/19/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/13/2015

Language: English

Genre: Action, Crime

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Scott Frank

Actors: Liam Neeson, Boyd Holbrook, Dan Stevens, Whitney Able, Sebastian Roché, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson

Plot: A PI finds himself on a deadly assignment when a drug kingpin hires him to find out who is responsible for the kidnapping and murder of his wife. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 02/05/2018

Gritty and uber-dark crime drama about a detective (Liam Neeson) on the hunt for a vicious group of kidnappers. The movie pulls no punches and the finale is especially nail-biting.

Rating of

smeagol - wrote on 12/30/2014

i wrote a long review but it disapeared This is a very average movie. and the weakest of all the post taken movies liam has starred in. its all justall to convenient story development wise. and if you think he kicks ass he doesn't really in this movie. The equalizer that came out this year is far better and thats not exactly wonderful. This movie is a walk to nowhere really. the best part is the serial killers but they dont get a chance to be truely brtual due to the cert. so like the rest of the movie not much happens

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/22/2014

'A Walk Among the Tombstones' is the perfect example of a familiar genre story, seen many times, done proficiently well. Many archetypal moments avert the usual cliches by being more grounded. This is a dark, gritty, adult tale. The detective angle drives the plot through the usual turns. A good watch.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"A Walk Among The Tombstones" by Yoijimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/20/2019

A recovering alcoholic ex-cop is hired by a drug dealer to find the men who were responsible for the abduction and brutal murder of his wife.

Yet another grizzled, no-nonsense tough guy role for Liam Neeson, A Walk Among The Tombstones is less Taken than an odd hybrid of Silence Of The Lambs and Inspector Morse. The references to old style private eyes such as Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade speak to some rather heady delusions of grandeur, but it’s a solid enough detective story that relies heavily on Neeson’s gritty yet forlorn presence as the haunted bounty hunter. The action sequences are sparse but effective and it’s solidly played all round but the addition of a streetwise side-kick is always going to be a bit of an own goal.

Thankfully the film’s other ingredients …

Movie God

Rating of

A Walk Among The Tombstones

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 12/19/2015

I had such high hopes for this movie.When I 1st saw the trailer I couldn't wait to see it.Now after watching A Walk Among The Tombstones I'm so disappointed.It was an OK movie (I guess) but it's not something I'd watch again anytime soon.I might watch it again in a couple years if there's nothing else on or I'm in a mood but that's it.Even then I'd probably try & find something better to watch.I think my main problem with the movie wasn't that it was slow at times but that it was too gruesome.Some scenes just had me cringing & seemed too real.1 thing I'm truly happy about is that I got to see this movie for free & didn't have to pay a thing to watch it.I can only imagine how disappointed I'd be if I had to pay to see it.The best thing about A Walk Among The Tombstones was definitely the …

Movie God

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An old-fashioned detective story

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 05/14/2015

"You want your money or you wanna be looking behind you for the rest of your worthless life? Do this deal and I'll sit on what I know about you. You can take your little Bert and Ernie act to the other side of the country. There's plenty of dope dealers in LA."

Strange but true. I haven't seen any of the "Taken" movies where Liam Neeson first must rescue his daughter Kim out of the hands of Albanian kidnappers, then he and his ex-wife are kidnapped by the same Albanian gang and finally he must track down the person who murdered his ex-wife. Each film was about family related crimes. Now in "A Walk Among the Tombstones" the wife and the daughter of a drug dealer are abducted and Neeson uses the experience he gained at the New York police. It's not that I avoid detective stories …

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