Movie Information
Overall Rank: 503
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 35
Theatrical Release Date: 09/26/2014
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/23/2014
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Matthew Warchus
Actors: Bill Nighy, Andrew Scott, Dominic West, Joseph Gilgun, Imelda Staunton, Paddy Considine
Plot: In the summer of 1984, the UK National Union of Mineworkers began a lengthy strike. During this trying period, they are given an unexpected boost from gay and lesbian activists as well. -- Chris Kavan
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
"Pride" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 11/19/2017
A group of gay and lesbian Londoners decide to form a fundraising organisation for the striking miners in the 1980's and form an unlikely bond of friendship with a Welsh mining community.
Pride is a typically British comedy-drama following the usual "moral message with jokes" formula that has been so successful at the box office in the past. What marks this particular example out from the crowd is the fact that although it can be a little crowd-pleasing and sentimental, the characters are so likeable and the politics so stirring that it is totally infectious; its message of solidarity in the face of adversity and friendship across borders of both geography and society is both heartwarming and uplifting in a way that most films can only aspire to. The cast are all excellent in their …
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/16/2016
Pride schüttelt es einfach so aus dem Ärmel, das Verlangen des Publikums, aufzustehen und zu applaudieren! Hier kommt eine wahre Geschichte, die schlechterdings auch als Drama funktioniert hätte, aber die Macher entschiedenen sich für eine leichtere Variante - die unsere Herzen öffnet! Es ist genau diese Art von Publikums-Filmen, wie sie die Briten (Verzeihung, in diesem Fall die Waliser) am besten machen! Voller Mut, freundliche Töne mit der dunklen Realität zu verbinden! Während der Streiks der Bergarbeiter in Wales 1984, naht unverhoffte Unterstützung: Die Londoner Schwulenbewegung, angeführt von Mark Ashton (Ben Schnetzer), will ein Zeichen setzen der Solidarität. Geld wird gesammelt vor dem Buchladen “Gay is the Word”. Einige Passanten spenden, andere spucken auf sie. …
Rating of
A feel good movie that I will totally recommend
Matthew Brady - wrote on 12/30/2014
Hefina: [laughing while holding a dildo in one hand and a gay magazine in the other] "Jesus God that takes me back!"
Pride takes place in the summer of 1984, the UK National Union of Mineworkers began a lengthy strike. During this trying period, they are given an unexpected boost from gay and lesbian activists as well.
"Uplifting, inspiring and heart hitting". - From all the critics reviews. All those Quotes you see there is all from the critic who reviewed this picture, and I can see what there saying but I'm sorry but "Inspiring and heart hitting", those are so cliche for critics to say and to be honest I didn't really feet inspired or over the moon with this movie, now don't get me wrong I thought this was a good movie, it really is, but I don't think it's flawless as critic's …
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