No Escape Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 13211

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 19

Theatrical Release Date: 08/26/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/24/2015

Language: English

Genre: Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: John Erick Dowdle

Actors: Pierce Brosnan, Owen Wilson, Lake Bell, Sterling Jerins, Claire Geare, Spencer Garrett

Plot: An American family relocates overseas and just as they begin to settle into their new home a violent coup put them in dangers. With foreigners being executed on site, the family will have to figure out how to get to safety before they are targeted. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/07/2019

"No Escape," a Z-grade survival thriller, terrorizes the audience with exploitation scenes of violence and slow motion action shots impersonating tension in hopes of invoking some sort of emotion.

Rating of

travincal - wrote on 11/02/2015

it si ok. just entertaining. watch a usa family in vacation trying to make it to borders(into Vietnam!) to escape a riot that kills all the strangers from their country.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

"I killed someone."

Rod - wrote on 07/06/2018

Wow! A political-thriller which kept me on the edge of my seat and my hands rustling my hair. Interesting subject: An american, with his family, moves to a South-East Asian country and find themselves in the middle of a coup with them being the target on the on the F*CKING SECOND DAY! I love how this film is rich with multiple perspectives, having the rebels crying "Blood For Water" and an innocent American family who happened to be there just for "work". I see it as (1) a message to the violent rebels that they are [at times] crossing the line victimizing the innocent ones, and (2) a message to people who simply thought that their invention will help people, but in reality, manipulated by their government and capitalist giants to cause suffering to more vulnerable people.


Movie God

Rating of

No Escape-from what country I wonder?

Indyfreak - wrote on 02/08/2016

The biggest complaint being leveled at this otherwise well made mid-level thriller is any of the following phrases associated with cultural insensitivity. These words include xenophobic, retrograde, bigoted, and yes even racist. No Escape's flaws are more indicative of a messy script than actual racial prejudice motivating its depiction of nonwhites. We don't even know what country the action takes place in.
Despite this stigma, I'm not gonna lie about No Escape. It did have me entertained and engaged for most of the time. There are a couple bits which are meant to be serious or suspenseful but the direction doesn't make it work (again it's otherwise well done). Owen Wilson and Lake Bell are believable as the American couple abroad with their children that happen to arrive right when …

Movie God

Rating of

Owen Wilson for once not in a comedy.

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 11/29/2015

"Look I came here more for the women…
Well … partially for the women.
I came here to pave the way for you."

"No Escape" puts the spotlight back again on the undervalued discipline of dwarf-tossing. This favorite bar sport, as practiced by Aragorn in "The Lord of the Rings" (first in the mines of Moria, and then at the Battle of Helm's Deep), is also used here in the most nerve-provoking moment. Let me briefly mention that this film is definitely not suitable for heart patients and pregnant women. You can expect this movie to be extremely exciting. Up to a certain point that is. Because ultimately this film evolves into an implausible story. The number of desperate situations are shown one after the other in such a fast pace, that it feels like an ultra long survival film. The …

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