Movie Information
Overall Rank: 3313
Average Rating: 2.8/4
# of Ratings: 52
Theatrical Release Date: 08/07/2015
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/27/2015
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Joel Edgerton
Actors: Joel Edgerton, Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall, Beau Knapp, David Denman, Tim Griffin
Plot: A man and his wife looking to reinvigorate their relationship find their lives derailed when an old friend from school re-enters their lives and dredges up dangerous secrets from the past. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019
Unpredictable and paranoid, "The Gift" stands out amongst most thrillers that follow its formula.
Rating of
Indyfreak - wrote on 02/13/2016
Joel Edgerton scores a home run with not only a great performance but also turning out to be both a great screenwriter, and a great director. The Gift is a wickedly suspenseful and darkly comical thriller that also features good performances from Jason Bateman in a dramatic turn and the still underappreciated Rebecca Hall.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 12/31/2015
This is Joel Edgerton first directed movie and it sure was an impressive one, as from start till finished the movie kept me guessing. The best thing to describe "The Gift" is that it's unpredictable and it's not a cliche that trailer advert it to be. It's absolutely worth checking out.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
"Bait" man?
Pat - wrote on 05/31/2016
The Gift, written and directed by Joel Edgerton, shines in a particular way no movie has made me feel since David Fincher’s Gone Girl. This movie grips you right from the start, with a married couple being stalked by a strange man named Gordo in the form of giving gifts. What this movie succeeds at are a lot of things, but the most important aspect of success in the film is the fact that it lets you be the detective. Throughout this entire movie you may find yourself going back and forth on who to root for, which is true mystery right there.
There are pretty much three characters in this movie, and to our fortune, all three roles are acted perfectly. Jason Bateman nails it along with Rebecca Hall, and Joel Edgerton as Gordo. The film touches on themes like...well I am not going to …
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Ist das einer dieser Filme, in denen sich ein alter Bekannter zu Hause einschleicht? Ein "Home Invasion Thriller"? Das Ehepaar Simon und Robyn (Jason Bateman und Rebecca Hall) lebt in einem grosszügigen modernen Haus mit Panorama Fenstern. Drum herum ist es grün, wir befinden uns in den Bergen vor Los Angeles. Dann spricht Gordo (Joel Edgerton) die Beiden an. Offenbahr ist er ein alter Schulfreund von Simon. Er wirkt einsam, kommt uneingeladen, macht Geschenke. Schliesslich will Simon den Kontakt abbrechen und Gordo wird unangenehm... Bald stellen sich Eskalationsstufen ein und alles wird in Frage gestellt. Wir befinden uns mitten in einem Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, dass Klischees lieber vermeidet als in sie zu stolpern. Manchmal leidet die Glaubwürdigkeit der Figuren darunter, denn The …
Rating of
The Truth Hurts
Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/01/2015
The Gift is the rare film that not only keeps you on your toes, but does so in a way that is both clever and unnerving. Joel Edgerton's directorial debut gives me high hopes for his future behind the camera. Plus, he proves that Jason Bateman can play manipulative and scary just as well as he can play the funny guy.
We open with Simon (Bateman) and his wife, Robyn (Rebecca Hall) in the process of moving from Chicago to California. Simon is in line for a new job and Robyn is trying to find stability after losing a baby. Soon after, while shopping, they run into Gordon "Gordo" Mosely - who Simon went to school with. After finally realizing who he is, they chat up a little and head back home. Soon enough, Gordo is leaving them gifts and stopping by unannounced. Though Robyn finds him a …
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