Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1576
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 116
Theatrical Release Date: 03/15/1956
Language: English
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Fred M. Wilcox
Actors: Leslie Nielsen, Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Warren Stevens, Richard Anderson, Robby the Robot
Plot: A space crew travels to a distant planet when it is silence for unknown
reasons. When they arrive only two survivors and a robot are left while
neither of them understands what has happened how what caused the
disappearances until a terrifying secret is discovered.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Yojimbo - wrote on 06/24/2012
Classic sci-fi reinvention of The Tempest, it's horrendously cheesy by todays standards and oozes 50s kitsch and sexism, but it still entertains. Interesting to see a young Leslie Neilsen pre-production line spoofery and the "monsters from the id" idea is fun in a Twilight Zone kind of way.
Rating of
Alaine - wrote on 12/13/2011
The movie so many have stolen from. This really is science fiction and is well done. Monsters from the Id. Anne Francis "comes of age". Brain boosting technology. Robot moonshiner. Required viewing for scifiers.
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 09/11/2011
A classic sci-fi film that blends adventure, some inventive special effects, and memorable characters. It even manages to give personality and character to a robot, which is no small task.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
My wife loved this film!
Gabe - wrote on 01/07/2014
A good sci-fi film that is obviously dated, and hilarious and full of cheese. Personally, I don't think this holds up as well as Invasion of the Body Snatcher (1956), the same year as this film, or The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).
But, like all sci-fi films of this era, this film could have some hidden meanings. Movies like this could get away with some things that conventional films could not because of the Hayes Code, HUAC and other forms of censorship. These are my 3 theories, they are mine and no one else's. Although, I probably did learn about some of this in my film classes on college, but I don't recall this film specifically.
1. This is exactly what it says it is, it's about a crew of investigators, investigating the disappearance of the first group of people that …
Rating of
Forbidden Planet review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 09/24/2012
A team mainly consisting of Commander John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) Lieutenant Jerry Farman, and Lieutenant "Doc" Ostrow to Morbius meet a robot named Robby at planet Altair IV. The Krell laboratory and "Id Monster" were part of this influential sci-fi. The movie features the first robot with emotion. The effects, were cartoonish, some acting horrendous and the wallpaper to depict outer space were pretty obvious. The plot and screenplay were surprisingly good with quotes: Altaira - "Morbius. You wanted me to make a choice. Now you've chosen for me." Commander Adams - "We're all part monsters in our subconscious, so we have laws and religion!" and "Alta, about a million years from now the human race will have crawled up to where the Krell stood in their great moment of triumph and …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Alex - wrote on 2008-09-29 21:42
Wow - i can't believe that no one else wrote a review on this yet.  I just bought the DVD and it is pretty incredible if you love pure 50's sci fi like I do.This is definitely one of the best sci fi of all time...unless you can make an argument for it that it is bad?  If not, add it to your sci fi list like I did: Top Sci-Fi1. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)3. Matrix, The (1999)4. Blade Runner (1982)5. Forbidden Planet (1956)6. Artificial …