Passengers Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7609

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 43

Theatrical Release Date: 12/21/2016

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/14/2017

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Morten Tyldum

Actors: Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne, Andy Garcia, Julee Cerda

Plot: On a long-distance space flight destined for a distant colony, a malfunction in the sleep system causes two people out of the thousand passengers to awaken 60 years early. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/18/2019

Full of special effects, "Passengers" is a stunning visual treat, but offers little in ways of a "thinking" film.

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 06/20/2017

Passengers features two charming and likable actors in an ambitious but uneven movie that blends science fiction, romance, mystery, adventure, and drama into a single story. The film is entertaining but then there's the elephant in the room. The second act has a plot twist that changes the dynamic of the characters' relationship which becomes uncomfortable if not creepy. It leads to an overblown climax which wraps things up yet you the viewer still have a bad taste left in your mouth. It's pretty looking and again, the two leads are fine together but it suffers a stumble the movie never recovers from.

Rating of

Chrisman 27 - wrote on 01/09/2017

I went to the movie thinking it was going to be a action packed fun thrill ride and I was fully prepared for that but it was not a big action film like it looked l was a little disappointed in that but I loved the movie for what it was which was a good time and a fun ride fantastic movie just if you go be sure that you remember that it is not an action but a sifi romance but anyway I loved Jennifer Lawrence she is just a beautiful woman and her smile is very contagious she makes me smile

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

It wasn't as bad as I expected.Breathtaking images

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 04/14/2017

"We were woken too soon... Ninety years too soon. We have too go back to sleep. We Can't !"

At first, I just tried to ignore this movie and I was hoping I would come across it someday on some television channel during a quiet Saturday night. First of all because I'm not dying to see a movie with Jennifer Lawrence acting in it. Even if the antagonist is played by the charming Chris Pratt. And also because there were a lot of indications that this would be a typical romantic space story. I thought this would be the galactic version of "Titanic". Only that the spacecraft won't hit a banal iceberg and those two turtledoves won't be standing on the bow of the ship while embracing each other intimately with a cosmic wind rustles through their hair. Or maybe a modern version of "Loveboat" …

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

Passengers - Movie Review

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/12/2017

"Passengers" has an interesting story, solid cast, and raises it's questions, but was poorly exacted on screen. A story like this it could've been anything. A horror, mystery, romance or just a movie with Pratt by himself. Well technically all four are combined together. A premise this good, it tries to be everything at once, because it doesn't want to miss a opportunity of being something else. When you find out the actual story that the trailers once again lies about, it's pretty creepy and makes Pratt's character selfish.

But with that said, I actually enjoyed the movie and didn't hate it like everyone else. Which is surprising.

I liked the first 30 minutes of film that really got the feeling of fear and anxiety spot on. Even Chris Pratt was pretty damn in the first act, when he …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Good Chemistry vs Bad Technology

Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/31/2016

While the chemistry between Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence is excellent, Passengers suffers from one too many flaws that, at first glance, are easy to overlook but the more you dwell on things, the more it takes you out of the film.

The setup is pretty good - the Avalon is a colony ship on a 120-year journey to Homestead II - a lush planet perfect for starting a new life. After running into an asteroid field, several malfunctions occur, including that of one of the hibernation pods. Jim Preston finds himself the only human awake on the Avalon with just an android butler (played by Michael Sheen) to keep him company. For a whole year he tries to occupy himself - food, alcohol, games, putting his technical know-how to some use - but ultimately comes to a point where the only way out …

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