The Fugitive Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 293

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 650

Theatrical Release Date: 08/06/1993

Language: English

Genre: Action, Crime

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Andrew Davis

Actors: Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward, Julianne Moore, Joe Pantoliano, Andreas Katsulas

Plot: A doctor is accused of murdering his wife and escapes to find the one-armed man responsible for the crime while dodging the U.S. Marshals in pursuit.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 10/16/2021

"The Fugitive" is an explosive chase movie, one that has often been replicated but rarely duplicated by your more average thrillers from the Hollywood system.

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/09/2014

A doctor is accused of murdering his wife and escapes to find the one-armed man responsible for the crime while dodging the U.S. Marshals in pursuit. This movie was a fast paste masterpiece.

Rating of

worleyjamers - wrote on 06/29/2013

Really good film. BUT, I personally feel like this movie will go down as one of the most overrated Oscar films of all time. While the film is incredibly intense, it's also terribly average...I have a hard time believing it deserved a Best Picture nomination. I also can't believe Tommy Lee Jones won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Good performance, but not Oscar-worthy in my honest opinion.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

The Fugitive

Amyaronson - wrote on 07/18/2011

Hold on, Tommy Lee Jones was nominated for an Oscar for this? Jigga whaaaa?! Man, I'm glad the Oscars have strayed a bit from mainstream Hollywood films and into higher-cult films.

This is that action movie about the innocent heroic doctor fugitive who allegedly killed his wife (but totally didn't, y'all!). You know the one. Your parents loved it. Maybe they even own it on VHS. This movie is entertaining enough until you realize that it's been going on for approximately 12 hours. Okay fine...2 hours. But it feels like 12 hours. JUST CATCH THE GUY ALREADY, YOU INCOMPETENT COPS! I COULD HAVE CAUGHT HIM BY NOW AND I AM NOT A COP! Okay, I feel better now. Anyway, if time seems to be moving too fast, watch The Fugitive--it'll be sure to slowww things down.

Movie God

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In Search of the One Armed Man!!

mdtinney - wrote on 07/27/2009

Of all the old TV shows that have become big-screen movies, THE FUGITIVE must be one of the very few that actually works. A transfer to the big screen of a fine TV series that starred the late David Janssen and ran on ABC-TV from 1963 to 1967, THE FUGITIVE had all the earmarks of a great film, and it does not disappoint.Taking over for Janssen, Harrison Ford stars as Dr. Richard Kimble, a prominent Chicago surgeon who is convicted for the brutal slaying of his wife Helen (Sela Ward)--a crime he did not commit. While on his way to meet his fate in an Illinois prison, the bus he and other prisoners are riding in suffers an accident, and is literally crushed by a freight train. Ford manages to make it out of the wreckage and escapes into the woods. Now, however, he not only has the whole …

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

The way TV remakes for the Big Screen should be

The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/01/2008

I have seen numerous remakes of classic television series for the Big Screen over the years. Most of them make fun of the original TV series, and many just flop. "The Fugitive" is easily one of the best Big Screen remakes of a classic TV series to date, if not the best in general.

Vascular surgeon, "Dr. Richard Kimball" (Harrison Ford) is arrested, tried and wrongly convicted for the murder of his wife (Sela Ward, seen in flashbacks) and sentenced to death.

Some time after being sent to prison, "Dr. Kimball" and other prisoners are being transported to another prison by bus. Minutes pass, and one of the prisoners appears to be having a seizure, making the bus driver stop. As the guards check on the prisoner, a train's horn can be heard coming closer. Suddenly, the bus is hit by …

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