George of the Jungle Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 15570

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 105

Theatrical Release Date: 07/16/1997

Language: English

Genre: Action, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Sam Weisman

Actors: Brendan Fraser, Leslie Mann, Thomas Haden Church, John Cleese, Richard Roundtree, Greg Cruttwell

Plot: Raised by a protective primate in the African jungle, a bumbling Tarzan type unexpectedly finds love with a wealthy woman on safari. Through trial and error, the mismatched pair learns life outside the jungle is no picnic.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

MovieAddict - wrote on 12/09/2012

A clumsy ape man George (played by Brendan Fraser) who can’t seem to avoid crashing into trees survived a plane crash when he was a baby and is raised by a wise ape. One day he encounters a beautiful damsel in distress Ursula (Leslie Mann) who joins her fiancé Lyle (Thomas Haden Church) in his perilous adventure across African wilderness. George falls in love with her despite their differences in lifestyles. But will he leave his beloved jungle to win her affections and adapt to civilization??? A good-natured, family-oriented comedy and there are lots of laughs with John Cleese as a talking gorilla called Ape and an awesome narration from Keith Scott who is hilarious as the sardonic narrator.

Rating of

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/16/2012

This critic remembered how unappealing and dull this film was when it first showed. George (Brendan Fraser) has a talking gorilla named Ape, a toco toucan named Tookie, Little Monkey (played by Crystal), and an African elephant named Shep. The plot was ridiculous, humor was dry and acting just horrendous. This reviewer recalls having a few yawns during its viewing. George of the Jungle was not entertaining in most aspects.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 04/07/2012

Clever and funny. Though, I do think that it is outdone by the very similar Dudley Do-Right.

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